When what you write…

helps you…

Funny how inspiration works! Currently, I’m in a situation that was weighing on me to the point of worrying about it. But the words I had been inspired to write some days ago popped into my head.  So I went back and read what I now know was divinely inspired. And, guess what? Now I sense that these same words are meant to help someone else, could that someone be you?  Here’s a timely word tailored for the heart.


Worrying? Stop it!!!

6 Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. 7 Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. —Philippians 4:6-7


Don’t worry about anything? I know you’re probably thinking it’s easier said than done.  No; it’s just as easy to do as it is to say. The reason you think it’s hard to stop worrying is because you’ve convinced yourself that it is hard…that you can’t help yourself.  Worrying is an habitual sin! What? Yes. What makes it a sin is the Lord Jesus Christ said don’t do it. Plain and simple.  (Read Matthew 6:25-34).

Read the entire article….http://wp.me/P2IDx9-40

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Rich Sense

As a follower of Jesus Christ I believe we can make adjustments in our life which will give us a richer experience living out each day. Even if you are not a follower of Christ there are shifts that can be made to improve your life experience. These shifts are intentional internal adjustments in mind and spirit, though small, each can make a big difference in how we do life. This is all about "shifting towards the richer side of life". Who of us would not want to live a more richer, fuller life. It is possible. I invite you to travel with me on my journey to the "richer side of life". Blessings, Richard Armstrong

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Redline: Live to Drive!

To share my passion of motorsports to all my readers! To get people of all ages and income levels into the absolute best vehicle possible for their specific needs and to make driving enjoyable every single day!

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.....and a sprinkle of love

If only I had something witty to say.....