Power: How important is it, after the storm, Part 2


After the storm, I pray that all will have hope and grab hold of the visible and colorful reminder that God keeps His promise.  Like many of you, I watched the news and read about the destruction and devastation caused by Super storm Sandy throughout the eastern coast, which impacted some twenty-three states.  Sandy has been classified as an unprecedented storm by those who have covered storms in the past and weather related news for many years.

As I watched and prayed, I was saddened because many will write it off as “Mother Nature” doing her thing…it’s just something that happens.   I am certainly thankful for man’s giftedness to provide a scientific explanation of how storms are formed, to track them, and give warning to prepare and evacuate, if necessary. However, I believe preparation should go beyond the physical.  When the warning to prepare is given, it’s the perfect time to prepare spiritually— where are you in your relationship with God? Pray. Repent. Ask for forgiveness. Do you even believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God? What if there’s a real heaven and hell, where do you want to spend eternity if you die in the storm? Are you ready to go, if you must? Ask God to save you, rescue your life to fulfill your life purpose if you know your heart is wicked and evil. This is the essence of spiritual preparation.

While systems are in place to track and trace a storm, no man can stop it! No one can change the course of its winds powerful enough to uproot huge trees, or stop the fifty-foot waves and floodwaters from breaking through dams and levees.  Storms, hurricanes, and tornadoes should help us put life and power in perspective.  Only God can speak to the winds and waves and they obey His voice. Psalm 107:29, “He calms the storm, so that its waves are still.” Mark 4:35-41, records this unprecedented power that Jesus demonstrated, which gripped the attention of the disciples.

Knowing this is reason enough to give greater consideration to how important is man’s power and authority in comparison to God as being all-powerful and all-knowing.  It’s something about being vulnerable or in a life or death situation that raises our awareness to what matters most.  Usually it is in times of disaster and tragedies that we personally and as a nation realize pain is not prejudice, and death does not discriminate.

Consequently, my prayer is always that people ponder and give deeper thought to the spiritual implications or supernatural aspect of storms that sends a message about power and authority. A storm reminds us of our human frailty, our vulnerability, and speaks to the power and authority that’s totally out of man’s control.   Storms should get our attention. They should make us to search within, change our actions and attitudes, look at life differently—its sacredness. After the storm, we should seize the opportunity to regroup and reevaluate our priorities.  Those greatly impacted by a storm should forever look at life differently; it should never be taken for granted, if you survived the storm or even if you lost loved ones in the storm.

Kurt Wilberding, a fashion and street photographer, snapped this Instagram photo in lower Manhattan, after Superstorm Sandy made its way through New York City.

The destruction and devastation our fellow Americans are experiencing as a result of Sandy should remind us all of what matters most—love for one another, promote justice for all, and to walk humbly with our God.

Once again, disaster reminds us that division is the greatest downfall of a nation that “supposedly” believes in democracy.  But,, even after the storm, there is hope.  The LORD God always keeps His promise amid the destruction, devastation and sorrow for the lives lost.  After the storm, I pray that all will make the decision to have hope and grab hold of the visible and colorful reminder that God keeps His promise. You are not alone.

Praying for peace after the storm,

The Sun Still Shines

Even in winter, even in the midst of the storm, the sun is still there.  Somewhere, up above the clouds, it still shines and warms and pulls at the life buried deep inside the brown branches and frozen earth.  The sun is there!  Spring will come!  The clouds cannot stay forever!                       —Gloria Gaither

It was a very cloudy, rainy, stormy day in Houston.  The damage in some communities left no doubt that the tornado warning had been a reality.  Although there was no sun shining through the clouds, it was there.

Sometimes life experiences are like tornados and hurricanes that leave a path of destruction.  After the turmoil and problems we face, we are left wondering can it get any worse.  The same way you chose to hold on to something you thought would keep you from being carried away by the strong winds, or you hid somewhere praying you’d be safe and secure until the storm passed is the same way you must hold on to your faith in Jesus Christ.  Let Him hide you under the shadow of His wings and keep you safe from the destructive forces of life (Psalm 91).  I pray that you will always remember the sun is still there even in the midst of the storm. Remember the storms pass, and the clouds cannot stay forever. The good news is that God is in control. And for those who accepts His Son, Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, He promises never to leave you or forsake you (Hebrews 13:5).  This is the hope that we must live by—no matter how dark the day, or how great the storm, the true SON is still there!

Be encouraged! Be inspired!

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