Promises! Promises!

Have you experienced one broken promise after another? Do you feel as if you can’t trust anyone because you have been lied on, lied to, cheated on, hurt and disappointed by someone you trusted?  Can’t trust your spouse, partner, friend, siblings, children…? One broken relationship after another?

Perhaps, your story is similar to Marsha’s. She thought she had the perfect man to make a perfect marriage.  She did everything she could to make the marriage work. Instead Nathan turned into an icy glacier, and divorce was the only option.  Now she’s heartbroken and feeling alone; earnestly praying for an answer to her dilemma so that she move forward with her life.  But she must first connect with the only one she can trust; the only one who will never break her heart again, or his promise.

Maybe you experienced a painful childhood like Elisabeth. Her deep seated brokenness came at the hands of an irresponsible father that had no idea of how to love a beautiful little daughter. From adolescence to young adult Elisabeth tried desperately to win her father’s approval. Then one day, she realized who her real Daddy was. She began her road to recovery and found out that her Daddy never breaks His promise.

What’s your story? Truth we all have a story about broken promises. Are you living in the past because you can’t move forward?  Every time you think you’ve met the right partner, it turns out he/she can’t keep their promises. If you really want to get on the road to recovery, and walk the path of purpose, the author will inspire you to move forward after the pain you’ve suffered because of broken promises.

At some point in life, broken promises are inevitable; we all will have to deal with promisebreakers. Life is filled with transition caused by broken promises. So, how do you move forward. Is there a process to overcoming. Yes, there is. This book gives you steps to take, and options for moving forward.

Available for purchase at, Kindle edition

Nothing hidden!

The advancement in technology such as CAT scans, x-ray machines, and MRI test make it possible for medical professionals to see what goes on inside the human body. How awesome is that?

But there hasn’t been a machine yet that can look inside the brain to detect thoughts and attitudes, and judge if they’re right or wrong. (Personally, I don’t believe there ever will be). Only the Almighty God can do that! So, why try to hide? Why live secret lives when God sees all and knows all? Why conspire and commit criminal acts while professing to be God’s servants and messengers?

Like me, I’m certain many of my fellow Christian believers have been sadden by the news of Christian leaders being exposed because of alleged immoral behavior; some have been indicted and sentenced in a court of law. As painful as it may be, it’s a reminder that God’s Word is true.

I’m not posting this to be judgmental or critical. My purpose for writing anything is to encourage, motivate, inspire and enlighten readers to be attentive to what God says in His Word, what He requires and expects. And in doing so, pray that all my readers are drawn closer to Christ in faith and hope through an intimate relationship, which He desires to have with us all.

With that said…


“Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.” —Hebrews 4:13


Family Pains

Being hurt by family—parents and siblings— can be the most painful of all life’s experiences. Personally, I cannot know the pain caused by sibling rivalry to the point of attempted murder, or even in Joseph’s situation—being betrayed (sold into slavery as a substitute for killing him).

I’m always amazed by Joseph’s story because it reminds me of how God allows the painful experiences in life to propel us into divine destiny.  Joseph’s story shows how struggles and disappointments can turn out for good.  They resulted in good for Joseph’s family, who was able to escape a terrible famine in spite of the evil they did toward him. In addition, his terrible experiences with his family resulted in good for Joseph, who gained a whole new perspective on life.  Looking back, he could see God at work even in all the trials he had experienced.

Moreover, Joseph’s story gives us an example of our Lord.  It’s saturated with the “forgiveness” principle.  How so?  Joseph represents a type of Christ by forgiving his brothers for the evil they plotted against him.  Had Joseph spent his years mourning and being bitter about how he’d been mistreated by his brothers, he would have destroyed his own life, not to mention, interfered with God’s plan and purpose for his entire family.

Think about this!  You could be the one God chose to use in your family. You could be the one God uses to be a blessing to your siblings even though they have hurt you, caused you the most pain, struggles and disappointment, seemingly for no reason, other than jealousy.  Let me encourage you…don’t be bitter.  Release them, let go of the anger that causes you physical, emotional and mental anguish.  Forgive them. Remain faithful and obedient to God.  In the end everyone will win.  Read what Joseph said to his brothers after they fled to Egypt  from the famine…Joseph said to his brothers… “Do not be distressed and do not be angry with yourselves for selling me here, because it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you.” (Genesis 45:4-5)

You see, not only did Joseph forgive them, but he knew they carried the guilt and shame for their evil actions against him.  You must also know that when God’s plans and purposes prevail those who wronged you will need your forgiveness so that they can move forward.

Look back, how has God been at work during the difficult times in your life caused by family pains, struggles, and disappointments?

(If this article has ministered to you, let me hear from you). I respect your privacy.


The book of Job is a must read and study for these stressful times of adversity in which we are now living.  The pain, agony, despair and disappointments are weighing heavy on all of society. And God’s people are “passing” through the elements of adversity too.  Notice: I said “passing” through. These times are a rite of passage to your Kingdom purpose and destiny.

I can only imagine Job’s pain when he received news of the death of all his children.  I can only imagine the depth of Job’s discomfort and physical pain caused by his boil infested body that had eaten away at his flesh— I can only imagine. From my own experiences, I know the affects of material losses—house, cars, employment, financial struggles and hardships. To some extent I even know how it feels to be betrayed by friends—falsely accused by those closest to you.  I know how it feels when others assume the worst because of your adversity and times of suffering.  They have all the answers as to why you’re suffering..   I can even relate to his wife’s disgust with the whole ordeal, which negatively influenced her attitude (Job 2:9).  However, Job didn’t accept her solution to “curse” (renounce) God and die.  Instead, Job said, “You speak as one of the impious and foolish women would speak. What? Shall we accept only good at the hand of God and shall we not accept also misfortune and what is of a bad nature? (Job 2:10).

What’s more important in this lesson is summarized in Job’s declaration, “I know that my Redeemer lives…and after my body has decayed, yet in my body I will see God!  I will see him for myself. Yes, I will see him with my own eyes. I am overwhelmed at the thought!”   (Job 19:25-27). Regardless of his devastating and painful reality, he stayed grounded in what he believed.  His thoughts were on his expected future rather than his present reality.  Job’s assurance in the powerful existence of his Redeemer was such that he was convinced God would have the last say about his situation.  This is our hope as well —our Redeemer is alive! Regardless of what you are facing for whatever reason, if Jesus Christ is your Redeemer (Vindicator), (Savior) you can be assured He has the last say.

Job shows us how to keep hope alive even when despair, destruction, devastation, interruptions, and even death shake our very foundation. In the midst of his deepest agony, he expressed astonishing words of hope. He did not try to hide his despair and anguish. The book of Job shows us our trials should never crush our hope and trust in the Sovereign Lord who allowed you to be tested because he “trusted” you, knowing you wouldn’t give up on Him.

Believe. Hope. Faith.

Love is patient and kind…

Valentine’s Day is almost here. So once again, it gives me reason to focus more on love and its significance from God’s perspective.

Somewhere in the course of my workweek, 1 Corinthians 13 hit me like a ton of bricks and sent my mind in a whirlwind of thoughts. Reflecting on several incidents that took place in the workplace, in addition to hearing and seeing the news media, I zoomed in on a missing piece of the “relationship” puzzle of life. 1 Corinthians 13:4 says, “Love is patient and kind…” It’s PATIENT and KIND? I admit I have had to take the “patience” exam several times because I failed it. Yes, even after accepting Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. But once I realized that my relationship with God is more evident in how I relate to my fellowman, I chose to change my behavior. I can’t say I love God and hate my brothers and sisters (1 John 4:20). I asked Him to help be more patient with people. And needless to say, the tests kept coming until I began studying the individual—seeing them from God’s perspective—His unconditional love for them and me regardless our imperfections. Oh! I know firsthand how some persons work your nerves more than others, and it seems impossible to be patient and kind too! For example, having to tolerate an arrogant coworker, a demanding boss, or an obnoxious consumer makes you consider taking a pain reliever so that you can get through the day.

1 Corinthians 13 gives to us God’s descriptive standard for relating to each other in any kind of relationship. Truth is this standard is hard to live up to, but as your desire to be in real relationship with Him, He empowers you to be patient (endure, lenient, understanding, tolerate, and long-suffering with others. If you’re patient with people then you will be kind also. These characteristics are conjoined like peanut butter and jelly, or cake and ice cream. Think of it as God describing His relationship with you—He is PATIENT and KIND toward each of us regardless of how much, or how many times we miss the mark. How is that? Because GOD IS LOVE! (1 John 4:8)

As you are preparing to celebrate Valentine’s, be sure to include “patience” and “kindness” on your list of essentials along with the chocolates, roses, greeting cards, and lovely gifts you give to that significant other. Because after Valentine’s, you are going to need it if you’re going to continue loving that person, or that arrogant coworker, demanding boss, or obnoxious consumer God’s way.

This Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to have a “mirror, mirror” moment and focus on the significance of love from God’s perspective.

Facing False Accusations

Now after five days Ananias the high priest came down with the elders and a certain orator named Tertullus. And when he was called upon, Tertullus began his accusation, saying, “Seeing that through you we enjoy great peace, and prosperity is being brought to this nation by your foresight…                   Acts 24:1-2

As ministers and messengers of Jesus Christ we must not be alarmed by false accusations designed to discredit our ministry,  judge and condemn, and ultimately pervert the proclamation of Truth.

Facing false accusation is a mild form of persecution and is becoming more prevalent in Christendom today.  Although being falsely accused is non violent in nature, it is still painful.  Not only are we emotionally scarred, but sometimes discouraged to point of wanting to give up the work assigned by God.  However, this form of persecution works for the good as a part of God’s plan to bring us to another level of trust and dependency on Him to fulfill His purpose in our lives (Acts 21:1-14).

Believe it or not, our most gifted accusers are among us—our own people—church folks, and not to mention the people we love dearly.  Many of our accusers are the persons we interact with daily.   They are our partners in ministry, our coworkers in the marketplace, and our family members.  Unfortunately, our accusers are victims that are held captive by Satan and deceived into thinking they are justified in their wrong.

In addition, the false accusations against us not only come from your brothers and sisters in the body of Christ, but they are assailed falsely because we are a threat to religious traditions, dogma and customs that tend to keep people in bondage.  More importantly, we are a threat to the kingdom of darkness.  We minister in the liberty of Christ and proclaim the uncompromising gospel of Jesus Christ, which is power unto salvation.  When we teach and preach holiness, purification, and walking in the Spirit—not living to satisfy the appetites of the flesh people become upset.  Their sinful nature rebels against the Truth, and they open themselves up to the demonic spirit realm.

Hurling false accusations are the tactics used to discourage, and are designed to destroy credible reputations. When religious systems are threatened, these accusers recruit others who will agree with their accusations, also known as ‘cliques’ in today’s society, to cause division in the body of Christ.  Mind you, it was Paul’s own people that turned against him and literally tried to kill him.  

Should we defend ourselves against false accusations? Your defense against  false accusation must be on the basis of your integrity and your right standing with God.  In essence, you must know that you are in the will of God and walking in purpose. Your testimony must be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth!

In chapter twenty-two of Acts Paul stands boldly in his defense.  He gives an account of his actions, and testimony to his conversion on the Damascus Road. What’s noteworthy is that Paul admits his errors of the past.  This is important because people will always try to keep us in remembrance of our past mistakes.  But our past mistakes are not justification for present accusations. 

I’ve often heard people say they don’t have to explain anything to anyone.  This may be true in some instances; but there comes a time when we must speak up to defend the faith.  Paul had no problem with defending his ministry.  Doing so establishes accountability and our pureness of motives.  Then we become transparent with no hidden agenda, only submitted to God and committed to doing what He commissioned us to do.  Paul’s mission (assignment) was to the Gentiles and this alone was cause for the Jews condemnation of him.  The hatred and hostility of Paul’s own people resulted in a contracted conspiracy to have him murdered.

Ironic, Paul suffered at the hands of a mob he had once been privy to.  Yet, God had a plan and purpose. Good news! God’s plan shall come to pass (Acts 23:11).  Paul had to go to Rome to bear witness; therefore, he could not be killed by the Jews in Jerusalem.  And God intervened and made a way of escape (Acts 23:23-24).

After their false accusations and their oath to kill Paul failed at Jerusalem they had to take the case before Felix at Caesarea.  Intent on succeeding with their false accusations, they prepared themselves to be politically correct and to present a more professional false accusation.  They brought along a “gifted” accuser, Tertullus.  He was an orator—one skilled in oral presentation.  He was articulate.  Notice his approach to the governor was flattery (Acts 24: 1-2).  It’s something about gifted accusers that makes them feel the need to flatter and elevate the ego of those they think are in a position to authorize and sanction their evil actions.  This is a sure sign of false accusation if the accusers have to bribe others with flattery words of praise. 

No matter how articulate and intellectual our accusers are they are stupid to believe that God will allow His name to be discredited by false accusations against His chosen and anointed vessels.  This is why as ministers we must be accountable.  We must walk in obedience. We must be men and women of integrity.  Our integrity and our right standing with God are crucial to our victory!  When we stand before our accusers, we cannot be intimated nor should we be ashamed of the truth, and who it is we represent.  We must stand in truth and trust God (Acts 25:7-8). 

This saga of false accusation went on for two years (Acts 24:27).  Again, Paul must defend himself before Festus.  Yet, Paul’s testimony did not change.  He held to the truth.  King Agrippa paid a visit to Festus, and he wanted to hear Paul’s case out of mere curiosity.  Again Paul defended himself to Agrippa.  He told his story from the beginning (Damascus Road).  Finally, Paul arrived at Rome (Acts 28:16) as God had predestined and assured him that he would.  There Paul was permitted to live by himself under guard.  Only after being in Rome three days he calls leading Jews and explains to them his plight.  However, his motives were to present to them the good news of the Kingdom of God and to persuade them to believe in Jesus as the promised Messiah.

In essence, the case presented by the gifted accusers didn’t stick.  No weapon formed against us shall prosper; and every tongue that rises against us in judgment we shall condemn.  This is our heritage as servants of the Lord, and our righteousness is of Him (Isaiah 54:17).  It was all a part of the process to get Paul to his destination to fulfill his God given purpose predestined by God (Ephesians 1:1-11).  Those accusations were steps that led Paul to his next assignment.

Today our accusers may not literally try to kill us, but their accusations are murderous attempts to destroy our character and tarnish our reputation. Therefore, I want to encourage you.  If you face false accusations, don’t give up or give in.  Keep telling your story.  Tell the truth. Keep it real. Stay in the will of God and He will bring His purpose to pass.  Know that your labor is not in vain.  Do not grow weary in well doing for in due season you will reap, if you do not faint (Galatians 6:9). You may have to go through a long process, but the Lord will carry you through to completion.  No matter how well prepared and gifted your accusers are, TRUTH is eternal, and will win in the end.  You must trust God to get you to your destination in the Kingdom of God as you continue to do the work of ministry.

Queen E. F. Phillips. All rights reserved.  Can be used for nonprofit only, with credit given to copyright owner.


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