It’s a Love Thing

LoveThingWell, tomorrow is the big day! My local church has been announcing plans for an annual event sponsored by the Marriage Ministry, which I am not a part of.  I admit, I have not been fond of Valentine’s Day for a long time. I’m sure you can guess why.

Thankfully, my attitude toward it has changed drastically, although my situation remains the same. Since I let go of my painful past and no longer host pity parties and engage in low self esteem hangout, my perspective is different.  Still, I must be careful not to allow negative reflections of my past or present to be the focus of my thoughts.  If I allow my mind to go back 20 years or dwell on one day, I open myself up for an emotional takeover, and hence, be convinced that I am a victim because of my singleness.  Thank God, I know now that that is a BIG lie from the father of lies (Satan) to deceive many women, young and old. As a result of being deceived, many women make unwise and foolish decisions that put them on a wrong path to living destructive lives.

By the amazing grace of God, I choose to believe my life is complete in Christ! I am convinced that God’s plan and purpose for my life is much bigger and better than I can even imagine. Furthermore, I am persuaded that my singleness is His will for me at this phase in my life. Therefore, I am content.  Rather than allow special events for married couples, seeing aisles filled with candy and carts of roses and TV commercials stifle my spirit and excitement about life, love, joy, peace and happiness, I am able to celebrate them. I can honestly thank God for them and pray God’s continuous blessings in their marriage and relationship.

I choose to celebrate my own “Love thing!”  It’s a relationship that gets better each day. Just to let you know how much my Jesus loves me, today I received an unexpected check in the mail! And no, I am not going to buy myself any roses or MP900440960candy.

Praying that you all have a Happy Valentine’s Day celebrating and enjoying it with the one you truly love.

It’s a LOVE Thing!

Covered with Love

Having God as our Father, we are like a child.  We are covered with LOVE!

Credit: Photograph by Cameron Kiner

Who can separate you from your love affair?

“Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?”

For me, these are appropriate questions to pose now.  Today is an exhilarating time for many couples to celebrate their love affair by giving and receiving gifts as expressions of love. But then, there are many who are brokenhearted because of broken relationships caused by rejection and betrayal.  They feel unloved and unfulfilled; they are lonely and feel alone. They are feeling insignificant because their need to feel loved is unmet.  They have no love affair, no true relationship built on trust and unconditional love.  Consequently, Valentine’s Day is depressing for them.

Read full article…

Powerful Living Voice Podcast

“Trusting the abilities of an all-powerful God to do the impossible in our lives.”

The Powerful Living Voice broadcast is designed to enlighten, encourage, edify and inspire listeners to live purposeful and powerful lives through faith, love and hope in Christ and the supernatural power of an all-powerful God. In these challenging and troublesome times, PLV is a “voice” to be heard!

Subscribe on iTunes

Now in Paperback!

PathtoPromise-thumbnailHave you been betrayed by someone you trusted with your heart? Are you experiencing one broken relationship after another…one broken promise too many? 

It is time to use your painful past as a bridge of hope to reach your fullest potential.

No longer should you be held captive by the painful experiences of your past. 

Do you want to move forward, but feel stuck in your past? This author gives you the simple steps to put you on the road to recovery and in the right relationship with someone who will never betray you. 

Everything you need to move forward is available to you and made possible through Jesus Christ:
* Promise of God’s Presence
* Promise of God’s Peace
* Promise of God’s Power

* Learn how to access the promises of God. 
* Learn how to trust again. 

The four-step preparation process combined with biblical principles, spiritual insight, and a personal action plan will propel you forward in victorious living. 

The Path to Promise teaches you how to move forward by trusting the only One who will never betray you or break His promises. This is your opportunity to live a purposeful life with the assurance of an expected end.


New eBook Release!

PrayerPrinciplesforBeginnersI’m convinced that God purposed me to inspire and encourage others to grow in their relationship with Him. Part of my assignment in encouraging and inspiring others is to offer the necessary resources and tools to help people develop their spiritual life.  My greatest emphasis is on “prayer” and the ministry of the Word.  I believe developing a consistent prayer life along with reading and studying the Word of God (Holy Bible) are most important in order to grow as a follower of Jesus Christ.  Therefore, I’m always seeking ways and opportunities to answer the call and fulfill His purpose for my life.

Consequently, I just published a new resource, “Prayer Principles for Beginners”.  This eBook is also a supplemental resource for my online course, Prayer Principles for Powerful Living  at

If you are struggling with your prayer life, would like to improve it, or perhaps you know someone who could benefit from this resource, please check it out.

It’s Personal

 Peter turned around and saw the disciple Jesus loved following them — the one who had leaned over to Jesus during supper and asked, “Lord, who among us will betray you?”  Peter asked Jesus, “What about him, Lord?”  Jesus replied, “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You follow me.”   —John 21:20-22


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God’s plan is personally designed for each of us.  Although we all travel life’s journey according to the roadmap God has personally planned for each of us, our experiences will be different; for some the road may seem easy and for others it may be rough and less traveled.   Yet, there is a natural tendency to want to know God’s plan for others in your inner circle and the road to destiny they must travel. Many even go as far as to speculate, evaluate, and assess someone else’s qualifications and anointing to carry out their Kingdom assignment. For example, you can probably relate to Peter’s concern in the above scripture. Imagine the scene.  It’s time for Peter’s restoration due to his denial of  being in relationship with Jesus (Matthew 26:69-75).  During the process of restoration Jesus quizzes Peter about his love for Him and gives him specific instructions, “Feed my sheep.”

After being asked the third time, Peter obviously grieved and disturbed by Jesus’ persistence and responds emphatically by noting Jesus’ omniscience.  (The third time signified his restoration, which eradicated his three-time denial of Jesus).   Jesus continued by revealing to Peter his death, and how he would die as a martyr for the glory of God.  Really!  You can imagine that was not the most exciting news to receive after being affirmed and restored for ministry!    However, it should remind us that Kingdom assignment is not always THAT glamorous—there is a cost!  More important, it reminds us of God’s grace when we fail in our faithfulness to Him.  He is a God of restoration.

After receiving “in part” his revealed destiny,  and God’s will for him, naturally, Peter wanted to know if he was going to be the only one to encounter such unpleasantness, to say the least.  Since the beloved disciple was nearby, Peter asked, “What about him?”  In other words, what is your plan for John? What’s going to happen to him? How is he going to die?   It was no secret that John was referred to the “beloved” disciple.  We had a name for it back in the day: “Teacher’s pet.”

Beloved, this is the perfect example of childish and immature behavior when it comes to Kingdom assignment and God’s agenda.  Jesus’ perfects everything that concerns us individually while orchestrating life events to bring His plan and purposes to pass.  He wants us to focus on our own personal relationship and obedience to Him. Basically, (paraphrased) Jesus was saying to Peter,  this is not about John. This is about my will for you. My will for John is none of your business. YOU follow me. I’ve given you your assignment and revealed my plan for you.  So don’t worry about him. What I have and want for John is between him and Me.  You just stay focus on what I’ve assigned to you, and follow my plan for you, Peter. (Italic is my paraphrase). Wow! Talk about a slap on the wrist (rebuke).

In today’s Christian culture  some church leaders would have been highly offended if the senior elder (pastor, bishop) had rebuked them like that.  Many would have gotten so upset that they would have moved their membership.  Ha! You know it’s the truth!

Although it’s the natural human instinct to be inquisitive about God’s plan and purpose for others, it’s not what God wants.  We are too easily distracted from our personal relationship with God, or what He has destined for our life when we focus on His will and plan for others within our circle.

Knowing the details of God’s plan or will for others stimulates the fleshy appetite for covetousness, jealousy, envy and even strife.  We should never compare personal ministry gifts or assignments to others. Looking at others and questioning God’s will and plan for their lives distracts us from what God has destined for us individually. You’ve heard the cliché, “It enough work for everybody.”  The truth is we should all be about God’s business— working together to advance His Kingdom, all for the glory of God.  There is a song, “What God has for me is for me.”  This is true, but do we really believe it?

Perhaps Peter’s curiosity about John was out of genuine love and concern since Jesus assigned him leadership responsibility for the church.  Yet, leadership responsibility does not justify questioning  God’s will and plan for someone else in comparison to yours.   Think about Jesus’ reply to Peter, “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you?”  YOU follow me.” 

This lessons teaches that it’s about your personal relationship with the Lord.   Your primary focus should be doing His will…carrying out your assignment, and fulfilling your purpose and destiny regardless of what it is, or how painful it may be.  And the good news is that He will never leave you nor forsake you.  However, you must trust Him; follow His lead, and obey His commands.

Consequently, Peter carried out his assignment.  He preached with power and authority; he wrote with inspired conviction about suffering for the glory of God. It’s obvious in his epistles ( 1 & 2 Peter) that he accepted God’s plan and will for his life.  Also, John carried out his assignment (Gospel of John, the epistles: 1, 2 & 3 John, and Book of Revelation), being the “beloved” disciple qualified him to convey the message of love.  As a matter of fact, the other disciples, even Judas Iscariot carried out their mission.  And now, we can all benefit and learn from them through the inspired Word of God.

Although it is a natural tendency to be concerned about God’s plan for someone else’s, I encourage you to stay focused on what God has planned for you.   It is my prayer that God’s plan for YOUR life is revealed, and that YOU complete YOUR personal assignment in the Kingdom to the glory of God alone.


(c)2010. Originally posted, “Not your business”

Revised post (c) 2013. All rights reserved.

Everyday Love

MP900440960By the time I finish this post Valentine’s Day will be in the past.  I held off as long as I could…my intention was not to write anything simply because everybody does it.  I know that’s probably shallow; nevertheless that was my justification.  Of course, I’m learning how not to lean on my understanding.  I’m getting there, apparently, because I’m writing even at the last hour.

Now that Valentine’s Day will be in the past, how many will carry it over into the future by expressing the love they demonstrated today by giving roses, candy and gift?

All week I’ve been meditating on the love of God…

Apostle Paul asked the question, “Can anything ever separate us from Christ’s love? Does it mean he no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or hungry, or destitute, or in danger, or threatened with death?” And he answers, “No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us.” (Romans 8:35, 37 NLT)

God’s love is always questioned when we’re facing adversity, life’s challenges and traumas.  Somewhere along the way we’ve been deceived into believing that if God loves us we shouldn’t experience the pains of life.  I’m convinced God does not cause pain; it all began in the Garden of Eden.  However, God will use it to our advantage and for His purpose. (See Romans 8:28 NLT).

While we don’t have all the answers as to “why”, we should keep telling ourselves that God loves us in spite of the situations we’re in or the unpleasant circumstances and painful experiences we suffer. I’ve learned that what I say is what I believe!

“If God is for us, who can ever be against us?  SINCE God did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, won’t he also give us everything else?” (Romans 8:31b, 32, NLT)

Although Valentine’s Day, February 14th, is now in the past, I can still look forward to tomorrow because God shows His love for me every day .

Gains and Losses


I’ve learned it’s so easy to focus more on our losses in the past that we lose sight of any spiritual gain in the future.I firmly believe that gains and losses are a necessary part of life.  I also believe that when professing and practicing Christians lose, God has a plan and way of restoring or replacing what we’ve lost with something better and more valuable.  Usually, it requires an attitude adjustment on our part before we can attempt to make sense out of what we’ve experienced in terms of loss. 

Additionally, if we don’t assess the gains as being more valuable than what we lost, from God’s perspective, we may never realize this truth; and we certainly won’t appreciate the goodness and sovereignty of God. Why? Because we’re too focused on our loss; we are crying hopelessly and looking backward rather than forward to the possibilities of having better and being greater in God.
Also, I am persuaded to believe the greater concern we have is with a carnal analysis of what we define as gains in comparison to what we consider loss.  Unfortunately, our analyses are calculated from a worldly system of operation and thought based on past personal experiences and present unpleasant circumstances.  If we itemize our losses and gains from a worldly system rather than a Kingdom view, we can be easily deceived into believing God is not trustworthy, and is out to destroy us. (That’s a lie from the father of lies!).   Consequently, we itemize our gains and losses from a faulty and unstable system rather than align with God’s way of operation.  No, it doesn’t mean our losses are unimportant nor have no value to God. However, it does means that God sees beyond the here and now.  Remember, God’s thoughts and ways are so much higher than ours (Isaiah 55:8-9).  So often what is valuable to us, based on our limited knowledge and understanding, has no real value in the Kingdom, and is useless when it comes to fulfilling God’s purposes.

For example, Apostle Paul came to a point in his life when he made an analysis of his gains and losses. He itemized using the same value system as God.  Paraphrasing, he said in Philippians 3:7-11, what were his assets (gains) he wrote them off as a loss.  Why? Because what was most valuable to him was gaining Christ… having Christ…knowing Christ, the power of His resurrection, and the participation in his sufferings.  Sufferings! Are you serious? No one wants to suffer, right?  Obviously, Paul viewed all the suffering he endured for the sake of Christ as gain! That was Paul’s mindset.   What about you and me? What are we willing to lose so that we might gain for Christ’s sake?

Sadly, too many Christians fall apart and panic when they experience loss of materials items. No one should deny the truth that it hurts to lose stuff… even loved ones. I know the pain of separation!  It hurts to lose anything you consider as valuable; especially life. But what can be gained? A more constant and consistent prayer life, deeper trust and dependency on Christ to sustain,  increased faith that looks to God for provisions, better stewardship practices,  a greater witness to the faithfulness and peace of God during life’s storm, greater commitment to the work of ministry and helping others in need.  God gives you so much more in place of what you lost when you trust Him as your Source.  

Beloved reader, remember it’s so easy to focus more on our losses in the past that we lose sight of any spiritual gain in the future. Also, like Apostle Paul, we haven’t been perfected yet, but let’s press forward and grab hold of what God desires for us.  Let’s press in to get to that place where God is calling us to reach in Christ Jesus. Let’s not focus on our past losses, and what we’ve left behind so much that we miss what God wants to do  in our lives now, and what He has destined for your future. 

Moving forward on the path to promise,

Book! Soon to be released!

Press in—Finding Your Secret Place in God

Spending quality time in the presence of the Lord God is absolutely necessary to secure your personal relationship with Him for eternity.  Living a holy and powerful lifestyle as a Christian requires spending private time in prayer, praise and worship, study of the Bible, meditation (thinking) on Him , and even just sitting in silence listening. Being in the presence of the Lord on a regular and consistent basis makes a difference in your attitude, altitude, and certainly your perspective on life. In essence, finding your secret place in the presence of God will determine whether you live here on earth in victory or defeat!

Do you realize there are many unstable, insecure and uncertain Christians? They are insecure about who they are and where they belong. They are uncertain about what they believe. They are insecure due to ignorance about their spiritual inheritance, and the abundant life that’s promised by being in relationship with Jesus Christ.  Consequently, they live beneath their privileges in the natural and cannot tap into the supernatural realm of dominion, power and glory. To live beneath your privilege as a Christian equates to not having a solid foundation in the Word of God—not understanding your life is hidden in Christ. In other words, not finding your place of security and significance, which comes from being in the presence of God, makes you open prey for the enemy because you have no supernatural protection.

“Press into His presence” is not some cute, religious church jargon. It speaks of progressive course of action that Christians should take, as well as an aggressive attitude that is absolutely essential in order to experience spiritual growth in your relationship with God.  Spiritual growth means developing Christ-like character, godly conduct and contentment, as well as faith and trust in God regardless of external circumstances and conditions. Usually going through a process of any kind is unwelcome by most people merely because of the time factor involved. Spiritual maturity is not instantaneous as some would have you to believe based on the world’s belief system.  Spiritual growth is achieved through trials and tribulations. James 1:3-4 substantiates the need for patience as believers walking by faith and not sight. Sadly, many Christians have been deceived into believing that instantaneous success and spiritual growth can be achieved without seeking God—being in His presence in private worship and fellowship.  But this is not the case for those who hunger and thirst for the glory of God’s presence and power in their life above all else.  Of course, as with anything in life, it is a personal decision. It is an individual’s choice to press into His presence and find your secret place in God.

To press into Father’s presence requires self-discipline and determination. It is a ‘press’ because of the antagonism between the Spirit and human sinful nature (Galatians 5:17). This resistance comes disguised as distractions, interruptions and pressures of life, but mostly due to the dominant and controlling area of your life—the sin nature (flesh). Pressing into God’s presence requires not only time, but also effort and mind exertion for elevation above the many distractions and interruptions in the course of a day.  Ultimately, your thought process and your thinking initiates the “press.”  In addition, you must resolve to train your spirit by pressing into the presence of the Lord and spending time with Him until it becomes part of our lifestyle like everything else we do in the course of a day or week. Once your spirit is trained and disciplined, your secret place is established, and it becomes part of our routine; although there is nothing routine about the benefits. Finding and dwelling in your secret place in God will change your life eternally!

For many Christians, a simple lack of interest is the reason for not spending time with God and finding their secret place in Him. Many are satisfied with being mediocre Christians, and indifferent in their spiritual walk. They are the ones that say, “It don’t take all that.” In essence, they are blind to their instability, uncertainty, ignorance and insecurities. Basically, they have another “god” before the only true and living God. Satisfaction with being a lukewarm Christian qualifies them as a scapegoat and gives them an excuse wherein they justify their own pleasure-seeking desires. They substitute sensual pleasures for eternal treasures. Mediocrity and indifference among Christians promote self-gratification and self-indulgence in things that will prove detrimental in the end—a small three-letter word called “sin” (Romans 6:23).

I compare the psalmist’s declaration to that of a parent-child relationship experience. Oftentimes, because of experience, parents will try to advise their children in order to protect them; however, the child is consumed with doing what they want regardless of impending danger. Of course, after ignoring parents’ advice and warnings they suffer the unpleasant consequences of their actions. Then and only then do they realize the error of their ways. And thus the familiar confession, “I should have listened to you!” Instead of an after-the fact confession, a lot of unpleasant experiences could be avoided if Christians would heed the voice of God, obey His Word, listen to the voice of experience and grasp the promises of God, such as the one in Psalm 91:1-2. The writer says, “He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty [Whose power no foe can withstand].

Naturally, physical protection immediately comes to mind when reading the above passage. However, while meditating on this scripture, found that it speaks intrinsically of mental and emotional protection. In essence, the mind is covered and protected if you take refuge and stay in the presence of God—a place hidden and secure—a place that protects my mind and soul (spirit). Stability is a state of mind. If your mind is unstable your actions and behavior will reflect the instability of mind. And, instability is accompanied by insecurity. The main reason Christians are unstable and insecure is because they have not found their security (secret place) in God. They do not know that their new, real life is hidden with Christ in God. A combination of ignorance, distractions and disinterest have stunted their spiritual growth, and their desire is to always please their flesh/sin nature (Colossians 3:3; Romans 8:1-14). If Christians fail to get into their secret place by spending time in God’s presence, not only do they suffer the consequences personally, but society as a whole suffer. Our communities, families and homes also suffer.  When Christians spend less time with God and more time with things that satisfy their natural desires, and fit into their personal agendas, our witness is weakened and we are powerless in handling Kingdom business for the King.

As darkness and gross darkness cover the earth, there will be no substitute for pursuing the things of God. Your security, stability and protection come only from spending time in the presence of God Almighty. The need to press into His presence and find your secret place in Him will literally be a matter of life and death. Being covered, protected, and secure in God during the transitions of life will provide the mental and emotional stability needed to be more than a conqueror in the challenges ahead. It is my sincere prayer that everyone reading this article will evaluate and examine where you have placed your trust. Ask yourself: “Do I have a secret place in God?”

If you haven’t found your secret place, I encourage you to get into God’s presence and dwell (abide, stay, remain) because spending quality time in the presence of the Lord God is absolutely necessary to secure your personal relationship with Him.


This article was originally published in Blessed Room Magazine. Rev. 9/3/12.

© 2003, 2012.

Rejoice in suffering?

Apostle Paul wrote in his letter to the Romans: “…we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us. —Romans 5:2-5

MPWM faithful reader, do you like pain?  Do you like suffering? I certainly don’t.  I reach for pain relief meds at the slightest sign of a headache.  How and why should we rejoice in our suffering? Suffering is uncomfortable and painful.

Do you think Paul was speaking only of himself, perhaps in third person? I think not. Based on my belief in the inspired authenticity of the Bible, I believe he’s talking to Christian believers today.   Reading Paul’s letters, it’s obvious that he had his share of suffering—painful experiences, troubles, trials and hardships. 


In 2 Corinthians 11:24-27, Paul listed all he endured: 24 Five times I received at the hands of the Jews the forty lashes less one. 25 Three times I was beaten with rods. Once I was stoned. Three times I was shipwrecked; a night and a day I was adrift at sea; 26 on frequent journeys, in danger from rivers, danger from robbers, danger from my own people, danger from Gentiles, danger in the city, danger in the wilderness, danger at sea, danger from false brothers; 27 in toil and hardship, through many a sleepless night, in hunger and thirst, often without food, in cold and exposure. 28 And, apart from other things, there is the daily pressure on me of my anxiety for all the churches.

(Can you believe the audacity to complain about having to wait in rush-hour traffic?)  Also, in his letter to the church at Philippi, which was written during imprisonment,  Paul expressed his desire to know Christ better by partnering with Him in his suffering. Enduring much suffering for the cause of Christ taught Paul to be content in all circumstances. He encouraged the Philippians to cultivate this same ability. (Philippians 3:10-11; 4:11).

The idea of Christians suffering today is frowned upon.  The message of suffering is no longer on our list of sermon topics or Bible Study teaching series in the local church. On the rare occasions that the subject of suffering comes up it is directed toward foreign countries plagued by enormous hardships, persecution, and suffering.  Yet, in America the reality of suffering, hardships and adversity among Christians is evident by the long prayer lines, many prayer requests. Since suffering is on the rise, perhaps now is the time to teach people how to rejoice and not lose hope during tough times.

The disadvantages and distresses of life are more prevalent in our time than during Apostle Paul and the early Christians lifetime. Why? It’s a different world—larger population, different culture, along with changing socioeconomic factors.  Without a doubt, life can be hard and painful…brutal in fact! The main point of emphasis Paul makes is that of our attitude during suffering. While going through the adversities of life, we must always have hope—an expectation that troubles won’t last always. Having this hope gives us a reason to rejoice…envision better. Secondly, we are able to rejoice when we “know” there is purpose for our pain. Knowing that God is intentional in allowing us to experience the unpleasantness and vicissitudes of life should motivate us. Our motivation is based on our knowledge of God.  Know this: whatever God allows is to empower us to be better, do better, live better, and have a better relationship with Him; living in harmony with His plan for our lives. Ultimately, suffering is a process that produces Christ’s character in us.

How should I rejoice in suffering? By continuing to give God praise, being thankful and worshiping the Lord Jesus Christ in spite of hardships, trials and tribulation.  Why should I rejoice? My hope (expectation) is solidified by my knowledge of what the outcome will be. (God always causes us to triumph in Christ (2 Corinthians 2:14).   Although we have disappointments in life, hope and faith in God will not result in disappointment. He pours into us His love, which will sustain us through all life’s ups and down.

Thankful for the Memories

In Memory (1932-2003)

Today is Wednesday, and that day is almost here—Sunday, May 13, 2012, MOTHER’S DAY! It is still a bittersweet holiday for me.

It has been 9 years since my dear mother transitioned from this earthly life. I can’t believe it’s been that long. Yet, there’s not a day that my loving memories of her vanish as the years are quickly passing. For that I’m thankful.

Her sense of humor, confidence in me, and the joy that filled her heart are my inspiration as I pursue purposeful living without her.  Although her prognosis was overshadowed by the inevitable, she chose to live by faith every day.  She believed that her attitude about life and her hope in Jesus Christ made the difference in her timeline.  She chose not to give up, but to fight the good fight of faith even as the cancerous cells fought ferociously against her.  However, they did not overpower her will to live; she did not retreat in fear. Although her body was weakened, her mind was stronger because she fed her spirit daily in the Word of God and prayer.  Therefore, her short-numbered days were extended to years.

As I embark upon this next journey in life, I’m comforted in knowing she’s cheering me on now just as she did for as long as I can remember.  The pain of separation was greater than I could have ever imagined, but on December 26, 2003 I experienced the comforting presence of God.  I learned that His grace is sufficient in weakness, and that He gives strength to the faint-hearted.  I am convinced that the Lord Jesus Christ will carry you through the tough times until you’re strong enough to stand and walk again.

To everyone who has suffered the loss of a mother I pray you are comforted by the good memories and times you shared.  May the God of all comfort console you as He did me (2 Corinthians 1:3-4).

And when all you have left are memories, you learn to be thankful for the memories that bring laughter as well as sadness.

Problem People vs. Big God

Teach Me, O LordI’ve learned the best way to handle a problem person is to focus on what’s going on with me “internally” that makes me react to that person’s behavior, which I have no control over.  Could it be that I have a problem, Lord? So then, I become the student, and the Holy Spirit my Teacher. God, the Holy Spirit, aka Spirit of Truth, uses the problem person as a “visual aide” in the classroom of my life to make sure I know the truth about myself, and comprehend the lesson being taught.

My prayer is: “Hear my voice in accordance with your love; preserve my life, O Lord, according to your laws. Those who devise wicked schemes are near, but they are far from your law.  Yet you are near, O Lord, and all your commands are true (Psalm 119:149-151).

The psalmist doesn’t claim that God makes problem people disappear. He merely points out that while they are near, so is God.  Big problems gain a different perspective when we remember the nearness of a bigger God.  The one thing that’s certain, no one or no-thing is bigger than my God.  Moreover, I learn how to redirect my energy on what’s most important. I remind myself of God’s laws, and I am strengthened by His powerful presence in my space.  When He’s in my space, problems and difficult people who may be causing the problems appear much smaller and  insignificant compared to my relationship with Christ, and even disappears altogether.  In other words, even if they’re there, I don’t see them; I only see my Big God.  He’s magnified a thousand times over.  When I see my Big God and obey His commands, I am empowered to deal with difficult people through the love of Christ.  After all, He loves them just as much as He loves me!


Super Glue Love

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. —Romans 8:28


Loving God and my assurance of His purpose for my life keep me trusting Him day by day.  The love of God is like the “super glue” that holds the broken vessels and other cracked and damaged items together.  Sometimes it’s as if I’m wearing a glaring LED  sign that reads, FRAGILE! HANDLE WITH CARE!

How many of us have been broken, felt unloved and rejected? We’ve made countless mistakes. Probably had a ton of dysfunctional relationships.  Family and households have crumbled under the pressures of life.  No doubt, like me, many of you have faced, and still face the destructive tornado-like challenges life brings. And at some point you’ve probably questioned God’s love for you.  However, the question is not about God’s love for you, but your love for God.  Your love for God can be measured by how you handle the bad and ugly and unpleasantness of life.  Too many Christians throw in the towel and give up hope…they stop trusting and believing that with God ALL things are possible. You can’t grow weary just because you don’t see immediate results. God is all powerful and faithful.

We misquote Romans 8:28 frequently or emphasized it to mean more than it says.  It should be read along with the next two paragraphs.  Apostle Paul does not promise that only “good” or “pleasurable” things will come to the Christian.  Have you read all that happened to him? (2 Corinthians 11:16-33). But what he does tell us is that even the difficult experiences—trouble, calamity, persecution, hunger, destitution, dangerous circumstances and situations, and even the threat of death— does not mean God no longer loves us.  It’s a deceptive scheme of the enemy to convince you that God doesn’t love because of life’s adversity.  What Apostle Paul wants us to know  is that God in His sovereignty uses the bad and ugly—He uses it all to bring to pass His plan for good—our good.  And best of all, nothing can separate us from the love of God. Always remember it’s about God’s purposes.  Think of it like this: He chose you to be a part of His purpose for the good of “those” (not just you alone), who love, who have been called according to His purpose.  What you’re going through is also for someone else’s good.  That someone loves God and has been called according to His purpose.  Of course, in our finiteness, we can’t fully comprehend God’s sovereignty, and how He orchestrates; it is too great for us to attain.  Therefore, we should just believe in, rely on, adhere to, and put our confidence in His power and authority to bring it to pass (whatever it is!)  From this perspective, I will keep trusting Him, loving Him and for sure, obeying His commands. That is the evidence of  His ‘super glue’ love that holds this fragile vessel together, and makes us inseparable. Awesome!

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