New Publication Released!


Do you desire to improve your prayer life, but just cannot maintain consistency? Are you a new believer or convert to Christianity and need help on how to develop and maintain a consistent prayer life? 
Good open communication can make the difference in the development of any relationship. If there is no communication, a disconnect is inevitable.  
The same is true with our relationship with the heavenly Father. For the Christian, prayer is a powerful privilege that keeps the lines of communication open between heaven and earth; it is the spiritual reality of a parent-child relationship that offers a sense of protection and provision even in the natural realm.  
Prayer Principles for Beginners is a resource to help you develop and maintain a consistent prayer life by providing the basics to get you started on the journey of a lifetime through prayer.  
By applying the basic principles and strategies outlined in this book you can start learning today how to develop your prayer life.  
Once you are in the family of God, your time spent communicating with your heavenly Father should be a pleasant and enjoyable time of intimate fellowship that results in spiritual growth and maturity. 
The author outlines six (6) guiding principles to help you. She discusses five (5) of the most common types of prayer with samples prayers. Also included are: 
Affirmations of personal faith 
Prayer appetizers to motivate you to pray 
10 major hindrances to answered prayers
A plan for personal devotional time 
Personal testimony of the “simplest” prayer 

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CLICK HERE to purchase.

Spiritual Leverage

Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and prayed to the LORD, “Remember, LORD, how I have walked before you faithfully and with wholehearted devotion and have done what is good in your eyes.” And Hezekiah wept bitterly.  —2 Kings 20:2

Reading this passage of scripture encourages me to be committed in my relationship with God. It inspires me to be consistent and persistent in my prayer life. Not only does it remind me of the power of prayer, but the credibility that my obedience to the Lord has when I petition him in prayer.

When God sent word telling Hezekiah to prepare to die, he chose to cry out to God for life.  For so long we have been taught that if God says, “It’s your time to die,” you get everything in order, and wait until you gasp for your last breath.  Not so with Hezekiah! Instead he chose to reject his confrontation with death.  He positioned himself for prayer. He made a decision to turn his back to what he was facing—death.  By turning his face toward the wall he would not be distracted by what he was facing but would look toward the place that represented stability, safety, and protection.   From that position he fervently petitioned God. 

No doubt you have received painstaking news, faced challenges with sickness and disease, felt gut-wrenching pain, and out of desperation and anguish you wept bitterly before God pleading for His mercy.  Scripture does not imply that Hezekiah asked for mercy.  Usually, when we pray for healing we appeal to God’s mercy.  However, Hezekiah sought God on the basis of covenant relationship. He asked God to remember how he had lived before Him—faithful—as a man wholeheartedly devoted to pleasing God.  Wow!!  How many of us can ask God to examine our lifestyle, and based on His findings extend the length of days—heal us.   Hezekiah seized the moment to hold his life up before God.  He had spiritual leverage and used it to petition God.  Amazingly, God responded favorably. Hezekiah’s prayer changed things!  Beloved, I believe this truth for us even now—prayer changes things.  God hears the prayer of His people.

 The bible says, “And it happened, before Isaiah reached the middle court that the word of the LORD came to him, saying, “Return and tell Hezekiah the leader of My people, ‘Thus says the LORD, the God of David your father: “I have heard your prayer, I have seen your tears; surely I will heal you.” God heard Hezekiah’s prayer, and saw his tears, and promised to heal him.  Actually, God healed him and added fifteen years to Hezekiah’s life.

Reading this passage of scripture has inspired me to remain committed in my relationship with the LORD.  Living in obedience to His word, walking in truth with a loyal heart devoted to the things of God gives me spiritual leverage to petition God for healing and help in times of adversity, and hopeless situations.

Got spiritual leverage to petition God?

©Queen E. Phillips.  All rights reserved. Permission granted for nonprofit use only by the copyright owner.

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