From self-will to God’s will


I sat in the prayer room on the National Day of Prayer read many prayer requests and prayed. I noticed one common thread. The requests were all centered on personal, self-will—what ‘I’ want, what ‘I’ need for God to do. The emphasis was on ‘me’, ‘my’ and ‘mine’.  Please keep reading so that you don’t misunderstand the inspirational enlightenment of this article.  None of the requests had anything to do with God’s will, plan or purpose. There were no requests for ‘more’ of God. There were no prayer requests for spiritual growth, to know God, to have a deeper relationship with Christ, or revival.

Yes, I know the Bible says “…let your requests be made known to God” (Philippians 4:6)

Yes, Jesus said, “… ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you” (Matthew 7:8-11; Luke 11:9-13). These passages both speak to the infinite Fatherhood of God and His faithfulness to answer His children who persist in prayer.

However, within the context of Luke 11:9-13, Luke is specific about the infinite Fatherhood of God and what the Father will give if we ask, seek and knock.

11 If a son asks for bread from any father among you, will he give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent instead of a fish? 12 Or if he asks for an egg, will he offer him a scorpion? 13 If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!” (Luke 11:11-13 NKJV)

Conclusively, the character of our Father is such that we can always trust Him to give what is good for us according to His sovereign plan and purpose for our lives. Sure, we should let our requests be made known to God. Ask! However, we must refocus and make sure that our will is not the object of our prayer requests based what we ‘think’ is good for us. Sometimes God uses adversity and painful times in our life to bring out the ‘good’ He has purposed for us and even our family. What we pray for and want God to change or fix for us is not always what He has purposed for us.  The will of God must always be the focus. For example, I know several of my Christian sisters who have been healed of cancer as well as some who transitioned although we prayed for their healing. When we look at this from God’s perspective, we can conclude that God’s will was done. He answered our prayer, nevertheless, not according to what we “wanted” (our will), but what He wanted (His will). Still they were healed! The ones He wanted to continue in this life for His purpose were healed.  The ones He called to their eternal home were also healed for His purpose. We do not get to dictate the purpose of God, who works all things according to the counsel of His own will (Eph. 1:11).

I admit, I do not like the challenges of life.  I am sure you don’t either. We do not like to ‘go through’ the process to get where God is taking us.  Yes, we pray asking God to change the situation—make things comfortable, take the pain away. But the more appropriate questions are: Is the situation working for my good? Does the pain have purpose? Is what I am facing for my good although it hurts? What lesson to be learned?  The psalmist said, “It is good for me that I have been afflicted, that I may learn Your statues” (Psalm 119:71). We must take the focus off us—our need and our will. We must refocus on the loving, infinite Fatherhood of God. He is the Sovereign Lord! He is our all-knowing and all-powerful God! He is our faithful Father, who loves us unconditionally. He wants us to ask, seek and knock—be persistent in prayer. However, we must trust Him to answer according to His will, plan and purpose for our lives. He is more concerned about His children than any earthly father and will give the most precious gift of all—Himself, His Holy Spirit.




©2018 Queen E. Phillips, Majestic Worldwide Ministries, Inc. All rights reserved.





Black History Commemorative Prayer


God, our Father in heaven,

Hallowed is your name! Thank you for the privilege and access to come in confidence to your throne of grace, where we can obtain mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.  We come in the name of Jesus today. We rejoice in saying, you are our God; we worship you and you alone! Thank you! Thank you for daily provision, naturally and spiritually. Thank you for the plan of salvation through faith in your Son, Jesus the Christ, in whom through His blood is the remission of sin.  Thank you for forgiving us and for your enabling power that’s available so that we can forgive others. Father, thank you for the trials and triumph; for bringing us through the dark and evil days of yesteryear.  Thank you for those who bore the burden and paid the price for freedom as a people.  Let us not forget their sacrifice of life. And we pray for this generation to be willing to stand as they did; to stand for righteousness, justice, and equality.  Lord, open the eyes of our heart so that we understand as they did, the fight is not just for the present, but for generations to come.  Help us to not be so focused and selfish concerning our rights now, but to pray for your kingdom to come and your will be done in future generations.  Help us to realize that just as we stand on the shoulders of those who fought for us today, so must future generations stand on our shoulders. Therefore, we must be vigilant and alert, knowing that our adversaries are many, but you, O Lord is with us when we stand for righteousness and justice. Let us be the light that shines in this dark world! May we have the fortitude, boldness, and tenacity to stand fearlessly in the face of opposition and fight for what is right, speak out against what is wrong; that we will speak the truth in love, being confident that there is an invisible host much greater than those opposing us. We praise you, our just God, who sees all and knows everything; nothing is hidden from you; and in perfect timing, you will expose lies and reveal hidden truths that will set many people free! Father, as we commemorate Black History, we pray, let the good that we do today be a legacy we leave for tomorrow. May the truth that we stand on and declare today be words that will empower and transform lives tomorrow.

Thank you, Father, for empowering our ancestors, and our elders, to endure persecutions, to stand in faith and survive great adversity so that this generation could have a great cloud of witnesses cheering us on saying,

“Fight the good fight of faith! Sound the alarm and declare, ‘Let justice roll down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.’” (Amos 5:24). 

We pray, let us not grow weary in doing what is good and pleasing to You.  In the name of Jesus, we pray with thanksgiving. Amen.

New Publication Released!


Do you desire to improve your prayer life, but just cannot maintain consistency? Are you a new believer or convert to Christianity and need help on how to develop and maintain a consistent prayer life? 
Good open communication can make the difference in the development of any relationship. If there is no communication, a disconnect is inevitable.  
The same is true with our relationship with the heavenly Father. For the Christian, prayer is a powerful privilege that keeps the lines of communication open between heaven and earth; it is the spiritual reality of a parent-child relationship that offers a sense of protection and provision even in the natural realm.  
Prayer Principles for Beginners is a resource to help you develop and maintain a consistent prayer life by providing the basics to get you started on the journey of a lifetime through prayer.  
By applying the basic principles and strategies outlined in this book you can start learning today how to develop your prayer life.  
Once you are in the family of God, your time spent communicating with your heavenly Father should be a pleasant and enjoyable time of intimate fellowship that results in spiritual growth and maturity. 
The author outlines six (6) guiding principles to help you. She discusses five (5) of the most common types of prayer with samples prayers. Also included are: 
Affirmations of personal faith 
Prayer appetizers to motivate you to pray 
10 major hindrances to answered prayers
A plan for personal devotional time 
Personal testimony of the “simplest” prayer 

Click book image to purchase

CLICK HERE to purchase.

New eBook Release!

PrayerPrinciplesforBeginnersI’m convinced that God purposed me to inspire and encourage others to grow in their relationship with Him. Part of my assignment in encouraging and inspiring others is to offer the necessary resources and tools to help people develop their spiritual life.  My greatest emphasis is on “prayer” and the ministry of the Word.  I believe developing a consistent prayer life along with reading and studying the Word of God (Holy Bible) are most important in order to grow as a follower of Jesus Christ.  Therefore, I’m always seeking ways and opportunities to answer the call and fulfill His purpose for my life.

Consequently, I just published a new resource, “Prayer Principles for Beginners”.  This eBook is also a supplemental resource for my online course, Prayer Principles for Powerful Living  at

If you are struggling with your prayer life, would like to improve it, or perhaps you know someone who could benefit from this resource, please check it out.

Course Summary: Prayer Principles for Powerful Living

Enroll in this course at: Prayer Principles for Powerful Living

Thoughts and Prayers

By Michael Brick and John L. Mone   of Associated Press
By Michael Brick and John L. Mone of Associated Press


Once again, grief and sorrow has invaded the lives of families and friends. This time, 1840 miles apart…from Boston to a small town, some may have never heard of–West, Texas.  Although the scenes were different, the pain is the same–immeasurable. Hearts are broken, people died, injuries are substantial and grief is like a blanket of darkness covering the minds of all affected. 

Some will call these explosions just coincidental . Some will dig deeper for hidden messages and spiritual meaning. Yet,  some will write them off nonchalantly as “life happens”.   Unashamed, I’m persuaded to believe nothing in life just happens!   Whatever you choose to believe, the one thing I believe we can agree on is that pain is not prejudice.  And as long as we live on this earth, pain is inevitable. Whether intentional or accidental, the one thing that these explosions, miles apart and different scenarios, has done is bring hope out of tragedy and turned our hearts and mind to prayer and solace in believing others are thinking about the injured and the many who face the pain of separation and grief.

When everything around us seems to explode, once again we are given the opportunity to embrace each other in love, offer words of comfort and pray believing that God hears and Jesus mourns with us, even though “evil” maybe rejoicing.   But in the fullness of His time, there will be no more pain, tears and sorrows.  This life, as we know it, will no longer be and those who believe and receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord will be with Him in eternity. This is our hope in times of adversity and tragedy.





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Help the Others

When they heard Paul speak about the resurrection of the dead, some laughed in contempt, but others said, “We want to hear more about this later.” That ended Paul’s discussion with them, but some joined him and became believers. Among them were Dionysius, a member of the council, a woman named Damaris, and others with them.

—Acts 17:32-34


The above Scripture passage really caught my attention and inspired this short word of encouragement and insight.

Everyone may not take what you have to say seriously, and receive it in faith.  You shouldn’t take it personal. You are the messenger carrying the Light of hope to help others. You are the bearer of “good news.” So what if they laugh in contempt at the good news of the Kingdom? Don’t be offended.  There are others who want to hear more about it, and will receive it in faith. Tell them. They will believe. Praise God for the ones who are drawn to the Light the world—Jesus Christ.

Unfortunately, you don’t know who will laugh and who will listen; therefore, you should keep telling the story of hope and redemption. Don’t lose heart and stop being a witness because you fear of rejection. When people don’t receive the message of hope, they are not rejecting you. They are rejecting the Christ—the One able to rescue them from eternal torment.  

Focus on the ones who will join forces to advance the Kingdom of God. They are the others; help the others that want to hear what you have to say about Jesus Christ’s resurrection from the dead, and His unconditional love that will transform their life.

Pray for them. Encourage them. Help them. Also, pray for those who will respond negatively and in contempt and laughter. Pray for their souls; they are also the others…help them by interceding on their behalf. Why? Because all things are possible with God.


The Path of Peace

My faith says if I pray hard enough and believe long enough things will change.

Is it too much to hope for? Am I considered naïve to even think things could possibly be different from what they are now? Is it not my privilege to think…to believe…to pray…to hope…to expect?

Here’s what I think; here is what I believe, and pray and hope and even imagine…

Through the heartfelt mercies of our God, God’s Sunrise will break in upon us, shining on those in the darkness, those sitting in the shadow of death, then showing us the way, one foot at a time, down the path of peace…


That’s it! The path of peace!


The path of peace will lead us to that blissful place of eternal rest. There’ll be no more sorrow, tears, heartache and pain.

 The path of peace will lead us to that majestic ambiance of glory unimaginable.  No natural eye can behold its brilliance and exquisite décor.

 No finite mind can comprehend its power.  No frail body made of dust can stand under its weight of glory.

 Oh! The Path of Peace.

It is a path that anyone can take to find their way to the Father.  He has been waiting since before the foundation of the world to welcome you into the family.


Do you want to know how to get on this path of peace?  Because I sense, you’re tired and weary from the burdens you bear. Your life is spinning out of control. Your mind is tormented by nightmares. The daily challenges you face are daunting; they leave you drained of strength to survive.  You’re restless although you take sleeping pills. Your system has become immune to Prozac. You feel hopeless; you’re exhausted because your days are spent worrying about anything…everything. You don’t have the power to sustain yourself.  You are tired of suffering from sickness and diseases. The substance abuse and sexual promiscuity are no longer gratifying.  You feel used and cheap. Your “pint-sized” self-esteem has evaporated into thin air. There is no satisfaction in anything you do. You are emotionally and mentally stressed by the pressures and cares of a life you’ve concluded is unfair and hopeless.  


The voice in your head is screaming louder and louder, “Kill yourself! It’s your only way out!”


NO! WAIT! Do not listen! It’s lie!  Suicide is NOT the way out! STOP!  Your solution is here!


TODAY, RIGHT NOW You CAN start the journey on the path of peace by accepting Jesus Christ into your heart as Savior and Lord.


Jesus was punished for our sins so that we may have peace (Isaiah 53:5).

Christ gives peace and rest to all who come to him in faith (Matthew 11:28-30).

Peace comes through justification by faith in Jesus (Romans 5:1).

Jesus gives peace (John 14:27).


I’m praying for you….Now

 Heavenly Father,

 Thank You for sending this word for that special individual who has no hope. It is because of Your unfailing love that You’re reaching out to them now. I pray that Your calming Presence embrace them now. Let Your peace overshadow and Your love uphold them.  Open their eyes to see beyond present chaos and calamities of life, and let them envision the beauty and tranquil place of glorious hope.  Father, it’s Your desire that we all have peace that exceeds our understanding.  And thank You, that You made provision by sending Your Son Jesus Christ as the Light to breakthrough like the majestic sunrise. Let the warmth of the Light shine and dispel the darkness that lurks in the soul of that beloved whose weary, battered and bruised. Mend their broken heart. Restore. Renew their mind. Change their life and make them new in Christ.

To start your journey on the path of peace, pray this prayer:

Heavenly Father,

 I believe in my heart that Jesus Christ is Your Son; that He died on the cross and You raised Him from the dead. I confess that I am a sinner in need of salvation. Lord Jesus, come into my heart. I repent; I turn away from a life of sin and turn to You. Forgive me of my sins and make me whole. I receive You as my Savior and Lord.  Thank You, Father, for rescuing me from a destructive lifestyle and eternal damnation. Thank you for eternal life. I receive Your peace with thanksgiving. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.


If you prayed this prayer in sincerity, you are saved! You are now on the path of peace. Make sure you pray daily, and read the Bible. Get connected with a local church where the Bible is taught, and you can fellowship with other believers. This practice will help you grow and become knowledgeable about the teachings of Christ, and the Word of God.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit (Romans 15:13).


Visit Prayer Principles & Podcasts for more teaching resources, prayer coaching tips and sample prayers. 





Spiritual Leverage

Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and prayed to the LORD, “Remember, LORD, how I have walked before you faithfully and with wholehearted devotion and have done what is good in your eyes.” And Hezekiah wept bitterly.  —2 Kings 20:2

Reading this passage of scripture encourages me to be committed in my relationship with God. It inspires me to be consistent and persistent in my prayer life. Not only does it remind me of the power of prayer, but the credibility that my obedience to the Lord has when I petition him in prayer.

When God sent word telling Hezekiah to prepare to die, he chose to cry out to God for life.  For so long we have been taught that if God says, “It’s your time to die,” you get everything in order, and wait until you gasp for your last breath.  Not so with Hezekiah! Instead he chose to reject his confrontation with death.  He positioned himself for prayer. He made a decision to turn his back to what he was facing—death.  By turning his face toward the wall he would not be distracted by what he was facing but would look toward the place that represented stability, safety, and protection.   From that position he fervently petitioned God. 

No doubt you have received painstaking news, faced challenges with sickness and disease, felt gut-wrenching pain, and out of desperation and anguish you wept bitterly before God pleading for His mercy.  Scripture does not imply that Hezekiah asked for mercy.  Usually, when we pray for healing we appeal to God’s mercy.  However, Hezekiah sought God on the basis of covenant relationship. He asked God to remember how he had lived before Him—faithful—as a man wholeheartedly devoted to pleasing God.  Wow!!  How many of us can ask God to examine our lifestyle, and based on His findings extend the length of days—heal us.   Hezekiah seized the moment to hold his life up before God.  He had spiritual leverage and used it to petition God.  Amazingly, God responded favorably. Hezekiah’s prayer changed things!  Beloved, I believe this truth for us even now—prayer changes things.  God hears the prayer of His people.

 The bible says, “And it happened, before Isaiah reached the middle court that the word of the LORD came to him, saying, “Return and tell Hezekiah the leader of My people, ‘Thus says the LORD, the God of David your father: “I have heard your prayer, I have seen your tears; surely I will heal you.” God heard Hezekiah’s prayer, and saw his tears, and promised to heal him.  Actually, God healed him and added fifteen years to Hezekiah’s life.

Reading this passage of scripture has inspired me to remain committed in my relationship with the LORD.  Living in obedience to His word, walking in truth with a loyal heart devoted to the things of God gives me spiritual leverage to petition God for healing and help in times of adversity, and hopeless situations.

Got spiritual leverage to petition God?

©Queen E. Phillips.  All rights reserved. Permission granted for nonprofit use only by the copyright owner.

When what you write…

helps you…

Funny how inspiration works! Currently, I’m in a situation that was weighing on me to the point of worrying about it. But the words I had been inspired to write some days ago popped into my head.  So I went back and read what I now know was divinely inspired. And, guess what? Now I sense that these same words are meant to help someone else, could that someone be you?  Here’s a timely word tailored for the heart.


Worrying? Stop it!!!

6 Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. 7 Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. —Philippians 4:6-7


Don’t worry about anything? I know you’re probably thinking it’s easier said than done.  No; it’s just as easy to do as it is to say. The reason you think it’s hard to stop worrying is because you’ve convinced yourself that it is hard…that you can’t help yourself.  Worrying is an habitual sin! What? Yes. What makes it a sin is the Lord Jesus Christ said don’t do it. Plain and simple.  (Read Matthew 6:25-34).

Read the entire article….

On suffering, still…

I pulled this from Our Daily Bread, and thought about the timeliness of it since I just posted on the subject of suffering Saturday …

 Heman’s Honesty

Psalm 88

 My soul is full of troubles. —Ps. 88:3

 David Roper writes:

             I marvel at Heman, the poet who wrote Psalm 88.  His lot in life was unrelieved distress.  “My soul is full of troubles,” he lamented (v.3).  He was fed up with suffering!

            Heman looked back and remembered poor health and misfortune.  He looked around and saw adversity and abandonment.  He looked up and found no solace.  “I am distraught,” he complained (v.15).  He was “adrift (vv.7, 15), and “cast off” (v.14).  He could see no light at the end of the tunnel; no resolution of his sorrow.

            Heman’s honesty warms my soul.  Christians who never struggle confuse me.  There’s balance, of course: No one wants to be around those who babble on all day about their troubles, but it does my heart good to know that someone else has struggled.

            Yet, there’s more to Heman than mere candor.  He also had a stubborn, intractable faith.  Despite his many problems, he clung to God and cried out to Him “day and night” vv.1, 9, 13).  He didn’t stop praying.  He didn’t give up.  And even though he didn’t sense it at the time, Heman acknowledged God’s lovingkindness, faithfulness, and righteousness (vv.11-12).

            I like folks like Heman.  They strengthen my grip on God and remind me never stop prayer.

 THOUGHT:  Prayer is the soil in which hope grows best.


See the Invisible World

It’s always so much easier to see those against you…your enemies that surround you when you never look up to experience the invisible world of God’s supernatural power. You always see your enemy greater in number, much stronger, and better equipped to defeat you.  Today your enemy may appear as insurmountable problems and obstacles that are overtaking you mentally, and overwhelming you emotionally.  Regardless of whomever or whatever form your enemy appears in, the objective is to destroy you. Annihilate you—wipe you out! I’m certain you get the picture.

Like Elisha’s servant in 2 Kings 6, when we see that we’re surrounded and outnumbered by the enemy, we also ask the question: “What shall we do?” I’ve learned to do exactly what the prophet Elisha did. Pray! Look up. Pray, “LORD, open my eyes that I may see!”

Yes. The enemy may be surrounding you too. But ask God to open your eyes to see the invisible world of supernatural forces, which He will send to fight for you. God send us help! God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble (Psalm 46:1).

What’s more noteworthy about this story is that God had already sent Elisha help—horses and chariots of fire (2 Kings 6:16-17). They surrounded Elisha in a greater number than the Syrian army. This story offers a rare glimpse of an encounter with the invisible world, and God’s supernatural power to rescue us from our enemy, or other situations planned for our demise.

Sure it’s much easier to see those against you with the natural eye when you never look up. However, I encourage you to experience “powerful living” by tapping into God’s resources, which can only be seen in the spirit realm. Pray and ask the Lord to open your eyes that you may see there are more with you than against you. Experience the invisible world—God’s army that surrounds you!

Life is fragile…what matters most?

Devastation has shattered the lives of many like the china that lined the shelves in this china shop in Japan. How fragile and delegate each piece must have been. Beautiful and intact one minute and gone the next by the shaking and rumbling of the earth that was meant to be a secure foundation upon which to build.

Every day is a constant reminder of the fragility of life. Nothing in this life can be trusted as absolute security. And this also should be cause to ponder and prioritize what matters most. As we witness the devastation caused by “natural disaster” nationally and globally, I wonder how much attention is being given to searching for security through “spiritual recovery”. These are the “now” times to seek solace in the Truth— that the SOVEREIGN LORD GOD, the OMNIPOTENT One reigns. Only Jesus the Christ is the sure foundation upon which to build our life and hope. He alone can offer spiritual recovery after life’s destructive forces shatter lives both naturally and spiritually.

What are the destructive forces of life that throws a punch in your direction? Sometimes they are the disasters that shakes us into reality. Sometimes they are the sudden and tragic loss of loved ones. Sometimes they are the crazed violence that visits our homes and on the streets at night. Sometimes they are the diseases that invade our body.

What matters most to you when the fragility of life is realized? Only you can answer.

Utlimately, whenever the destructive forces or natural disasters occur they serve as reminders of what is certain—life is fragile—you may be alive one minute, and gone the next like the china that lined the shelves of the china shop in Japan.

We’re praying for the people of Japan—

Anointed to Handle Opposition

Opposition could be considered part of a packaged deal when committing to kingdom building for God.  Knowing this up front can help prepare for the challenges you will face in your assignment.

Unfortunately, many leaders are unaware of this truth; they take on building projects like assembling a doll house using “easy to read” instructions and having numbered pieces to ensure accurate assembly.  But even with simple instructions, some tasks are more difficult without essential tools for proper assembly, thus delaying progress and completion of the task.

Whether building a church or organizing a ministry, God does not give step by step detailed instructions apart from His written word.  Actually, all you have is His word. And each assignment requires a leap of faith.  “And without faith it is impossible to please Him and be satisfactory to Him (Hebrews 11:6, AMP).

One of the greatest biblical examples of faith when handling opposition is Nehemiah (Chapter 4).  He was a man committed to fulfilling the purpose of God.  He resigned without reservation his trusted and prestigious position of cupbearer and advisor to the king of Persia. His luxurious lifestyle in the king’s palace did not outweigh his burden and love for God’s people and his homeland when he heard about conditions back home. Grief compelled him to take action; position himself in prayer and trust God. Finally, God answered his request and granted favor with the king, and Nehemiah seized the opportunity. It’s uncertain if he knew opposition would come. 

Nehemiah’s responsibility of rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem summoned opposition after hearing of his assignment. 

We can learn three things from Nehemiah that are essential today in dealing with opposition: Commitment, courage, and character.

Like Nehemiah, personal commitment as a servant of God is absolute essential if you’re going to do anything in the Kingdom.  Lack of commitment is one of the greatest hindrances to productivity in the local church.  Usually it’s because most people don’t want to deal with the challenges and obstacles that comes with taking a responsibility. 

Nehemiah was a man of courage.  As a matter of fact, he had to be courageous as the cupbearer. You could say his position as the king’s cupbearer groomed him for dealing with opposition.  He was not afraid of a challenge since he faced the possibility of death on a daily basis. It’s obvious that he was a man of faith.  He was a praying man and trusted in the sovereignty of God Almighty.  Thirdly, Nehemiah was a man of character. His character was consistent with his reverential worship of God. It fortified him so that he had the audacity to   stand in the face of opponents and complete the work assigned to him by the Lord Himself. He was not distracted nor was he fearful.  Nehemiah stayed focused on the task and empowered the people by demonstrating and equipping them to deal with opposition.  Be prepared to fight to finish the assignment!  My God!  I felt that word hit somebody’s spirit!  Hallelujah! Glory!

Like Nehemiah, God has appointed leaders to carry out His plans and purposes in the world today. 

Unfortunately, many are discouraged by overwhelming challenges and distracted by opposition.  However, the good news is this:  if God appointed you and gave you the assignment, He also anointed you to deal with the opposition.

Therefore, opposition can empower you to stay the course and complete your assignment.  The level of your commitment, the depth of your courage, and the truthfulness of your character are revealed through your ability to handle the opposition.  Opposition comes in several facets; sometimes subtle and sometimes like blazing spears of ridicule, mockery, lies, rumors, slander, financial distress, compromising spirits, false prophecies and unhealthy relationships. 

In essence, to be anointed to deal with opposition means the enemy’s attempt to hinder the work of God can motivate you to finish the work of God.  Consequently, God receives the glory in your life, in His Church and even in the world through His anointed who overcomes opposition just as Nehemiah; and ultimately His Son Jesus the Christ, Who overcame the world for us.  Remember what Jesus said in John 16:33?  “I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace and confidence. In the world you have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration; but be of good cheer [take courage; be confident, certain, undaunted]! For I have overcome the world. [I have deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered it for you.]”  Jesus never said it would easy to do the “greater works” you just need to believe…

I can’t begin to tell you how many times this scripture has empowered me to deal with the opposition I had to face over the years. 

If you’re facing opposition, be encouraged.  If God gave you the assignment, He has anointed you to handle the opposition.  Stay committed, be of good courage; be strong in the Lord and the power of His might; let the opposition work to your advantage—shape your character so that you’ll look and act more like Christ.  And when the assignment is completed God gets the glory!  After all, it’s not about us…


 ©Queen E. F. Phillips, reposted.  All rights reserved.

Beloved Caregiver

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Practical Daily Devotions for the Real World

Walter Bright

Refining theological understanding. Sharpening ethical rigor. Heightening devotional intensity.

Believing IN Christ Jesus through ALL things

By the grace of God, Stage IV metastatic colon cancer warrior shares personal insights on the walk of faith and more

Living On Tilt

With the Holy Spirit as the wind in your sails, you may look tilted to contemporary culture.

Vincent Egoro

Vincent Egoro - Shares Personal Improvement, Love, Motivational Messages and Quotes, to inspire you to live your greatest Life...Every day!

.....and a sprinkle of love

If only I had something witty to say.....