Holiday Season Pain

Since my past experience with holiday season pain, I am sensitive to the emotional and spiritual needs of people during the HopeforHolidaysholiday season.

I believe “holiday season pain” can be the worst. I also believe this time of the year strikes a chord of caring and great concern because I understand the heartbreak caused by the death of a loved one during the holiday season.  For me, it was the death of my mother the day after Christmas. Although the holiday pain is not so piercing now, I still remember it as if it was last night, although it has been 11 years since I experienced the “first” worst day of life, December 26, 2003, 12:01 a.m.
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Now in Paperback!

PathtoPromise-thumbnailHave you been betrayed by someone you trusted with your heart? Are you experiencing one broken relationship after another…one broken promise too many? 

It is time to use your painful past as a bridge of hope to reach your fullest potential.

No longer should you be held captive by the painful experiences of your past. 

Do you want to move forward, but feel stuck in your past? This author gives you the simple steps to put you on the road to recovery and in the right relationship with someone who will never betray you. 

Everything you need to move forward is available to you and made possible through Jesus Christ:
* Promise of God’s Presence
* Promise of God’s Peace
* Promise of God’s Power

* Learn how to access the promises of God. 
* Learn how to trust again. 

The four-step preparation process combined with biblical principles, spiritual insight, and a personal action plan will propel you forward in victorious living. 

The Path to Promise teaches you how to move forward by trusting the only One who will never betray you or break His promises. This is your opportunity to live a purposeful life with the assurance of an expected end.


Beloved Caregiver

I am a Christian Woman and the Primary Caregiver to my Beloved Mother.


From A Garden To A City, And Beyond - The Prophetic Journey. Isaiah 65:17.

Timothy Burt

Daily Devotionals and Inspiration to Encourage Your Heart

Faith and Footsteps

To search, To learn, To follow

Redbird's Roost

The Future Is As Bright As The Promises Of God

Rich Sense

As a follower of Jesus Christ I believe we can make adjustments in our life which will give us a richer experience living out each day. Even if you are not a follower of Christ there are shifts that can be made to improve your life experience. These shifts are intentional internal adjustments in mind and spirit, though small, each can make a big difference in how we do life. This is all about "shifting towards the richer side of life". Who of us would not want to live a more richer, fuller life. It is possible. I invite you to travel with me on my journey to the "richer side of life". Blessings, Richard Armstrong

Prayer For Anxiety

Rest for the weary soul.

Life Project Blog

Finding Clear and Simple Faith


Manifestly Reining In Christ

Redline: Live to Drive!

To share my passion of motorsports to all my readers! To get people of all ages and income levels into the absolute best vehicle possible for their specific needs and to make driving enjoyable every single day!

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©valeriu barbu


Just another site


Practical Daily Devotions for the Real World

Walter Bright

Refining theological understanding. Sharpening ethical rigor. Heightening devotional intensity.

Believing IN Christ Jesus through ALL things

By the grace of God, Stage IV metastatic colon cancer warrior shares personal insights on the walk of faith and more

Living On Tilt

With the Holy Spirit as the wind in your sails, you may look tilted to contemporary culture.

Vincent Egoro

Vincent Egoro - Shares Personal Improvement, Love, Motivational Messages and Quotes, to inspire you to live your greatest Life...Every day!

.....and a sprinkle of love

If only I had something witty to say.....