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Psalm119DevotionalWe live in a hostile world. Our surroundings can pressure us to make decisions and choose paths that oppose God’s Word, but like the psalmist, no matter what challenges we face, we should always choose God’s way.

Meditation in the Word of God day and night should be to our delight. This devotional is a practical, simple and easy hands-on resource to draw us closer to God by meditating and praying in agreement with His Word for 22 days. After 22 days, meditating and praying God’s Word should be habitual.

You can read it over and over or whenever you feel the need to focus on the goodness of the Lord and the importance of having His written instructions for living. 

In the compilation of this devotional, the author provides twenty-two (22) meditations and prayers that correspond with the eight (8) verses within each acrostic beginning with each Hebrew alphabet. Hebrew definitions and keywords are also included.

22-Days of Prayer & Meditations in Psalm 119 will:

Encourage you to believe, stand firmly, declare, and obey God’s Word as the “final authority” in every area of life. 

Inspire and bring awareness to the need to submit to God’s instruction.

Manifest the transforming power of God’s Word through declaration and meditation.

Motivate you to seek God’s help by praying His Word and applying it to your daily life.

You will be refreshed time and time again in 22 days of prayer and meditation in Psalm 119.



On suffering, still…

I pulled this from Our Daily Bread, and thought about the timeliness of it since I just posted on the subject of suffering Saturday …

 Heman’s Honesty

Psalm 88

 My soul is full of troubles. —Ps. 88:3

 David Roper writes:

             I marvel at Heman, the poet who wrote Psalm 88.  His lot in life was unrelieved distress.  “My soul is full of troubles,” he lamented (v.3).  He was fed up with suffering!

            Heman looked back and remembered poor health and misfortune.  He looked around and saw adversity and abandonment.  He looked up and found no solace.  “I am distraught,” he complained (v.15).  He was “adrift (vv.7, 15), and “cast off” (v.14).  He could see no light at the end of the tunnel; no resolution of his sorrow.

            Heman’s honesty warms my soul.  Christians who never struggle confuse me.  There’s balance, of course: No one wants to be around those who babble on all day about their troubles, but it does my heart good to know that someone else has struggled.

            Yet, there’s more to Heman than mere candor.  He also had a stubborn, intractable faith.  Despite his many problems, he clung to God and cried out to Him “day and night” vv.1, 9, 13).  He didn’t stop praying.  He didn’t give up.  And even though he didn’t sense it at the time, Heman acknowledged God’s lovingkindness, faithfulness, and righteousness (vv.11-12).

            I like folks like Heman.  They strengthen my grip on God and remind me never stop prayer.

 THOUGHT:  Prayer is the soil in which hope grows best.


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