Black History Commemorative Prayer


God, our Father in heaven,

Hallowed is your name! Thank you for the privilege and access to come in confidence to your throne of grace, where we can obtain mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.  We come in the name of Jesus today. We rejoice in saying, you are our God; we worship you and you alone! Thank you! Thank you for daily provision, naturally and spiritually. Thank you for the plan of salvation through faith in your Son, Jesus the Christ, in whom through His blood is the remission of sin.  Thank you for forgiving us and for your enabling power that’s available so that we can forgive others. Father, thank you for the trials and triumph; for bringing us through the dark and evil days of yesteryear.  Thank you for those who bore the burden and paid the price for freedom as a people.  Let us not forget their sacrifice of life. And we pray for this generation to be willing to stand as they did; to stand for righteousness, justice, and equality.  Lord, open the eyes of our heart so that we understand as they did, the fight is not just for the present, but for generations to come.  Help us to not be so focused and selfish concerning our rights now, but to pray for your kingdom to come and your will be done in future generations.  Help us to realize that just as we stand on the shoulders of those who fought for us today, so must future generations stand on our shoulders. Therefore, we must be vigilant and alert, knowing that our adversaries are many, but you, O Lord is with us when we stand for righteousness and justice. Let us be the light that shines in this dark world! May we have the fortitude, boldness, and tenacity to stand fearlessly in the face of opposition and fight for what is right, speak out against what is wrong; that we will speak the truth in love, being confident that there is an invisible host much greater than those opposing us. We praise you, our just God, who sees all and knows everything; nothing is hidden from you; and in perfect timing, you will expose lies and reveal hidden truths that will set many people free! Father, as we commemorate Black History, we pray, let the good that we do today be a legacy we leave for tomorrow. May the truth that we stand on and declare today be words that will empower and transform lives tomorrow.

Thank you, Father, for empowering our ancestors, and our elders, to endure persecutions, to stand in faith and survive great adversity so that this generation could have a great cloud of witnesses cheering us on saying,

“Fight the good fight of faith! Sound the alarm and declare, ‘Let justice roll down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.’” (Amos 5:24). 

We pray, let us not grow weary in doing what is good and pleasing to You.  In the name of Jesus, we pray with thanksgiving. Amen.

Let My People Go!

Slavery and segregation are only two of several derogatory terms that still arouse emotions when remembering the struggles of our people during a vile period in America’s history.  Some people would like to forget this painful past, and others prefer to revive it.  Consequently, these preferences pose the greatest threat to life, liberty and the pursuit of peace in our nation and the world.

Biblical history was misinterpreted and erroneously used to justify human degradation in America.  However, reading Exodus 1:7-11, it is obvious that the mentality of slave practice and oppression derive from the selfish motives of man’s sin nature, fear, and ignorance of the true knowledge of God—His plan of salvation, His purpose, and the fulfillment of His promise.

(Exodus 1:7-11, “But descendants of Israel were fruitful and increased abundantly; they multiplied and grew exceedingly strong, and the land was full of them. Now a new king arose over Egypt who did not know Joseph. He said to his people, Behold, the Israelites are too many and too mighty for us [and they out-number us both in people and in strength]. Come; let us deal shrewdly with them, lest they multiply more and, should war befall us, they join our enemies, fight against us, and escape out of the land. So they set over [the Israelites] taskmasters to afflict and oppress them with [increased] burdens”). -AMPLIFIED-

The most revealing and astounding truth in the biblical account of slavery, oppression and bondage, recorded in the book of Exodus chapters 1–11 is God’s command for freedom, and His sovereign acts that brought it to pass in response to the prayers of His people.  The mass exodus from Egyptian bondage and slavery reveals God’s perspective on the oppression and affliction of His people—all people, both naturally and spiritually. God does not delight in slavery or bondage of any kind. The truth is, He delights in delivering people from bondage… He is a Deliverer!

Despite America’s scornful past, subliminal prejudices and injustices of the present, we hold to this truth—God created all men equal. Therefore, knowing this, and being motivated by a pure conscious rather than a bitter heart, we prefer not to forget.

If we forget, we have no definite measurement for progress.

If we forget, we dishonor those who sacrificed their lives in the fight for freedom and justice for all.

If we forget, we devalue the freedoms of today, and diminish the hope of a better tomorrow.

If we forget, we forfeit our inalienable rights from the Creator who made us in His image and His likeness.

Furthermore, if we forget, we denounce the gift of grace, by settling for less than what God predestined for all mankind.

Although these pains of the past pierce our soul upon remembrance, still we must not forget, lest we dismiss invaluable lessons from our ancestors—their character, their strength, and fortitude in the face of opposition and inhumane adversity.  Therefore, let us continue to cherish the legacy of faith and inner strength that they received from the Lord, the Creator of the heavens and earth, who faints not nor grows weary; who gives power to the faint; and to him who has no might He increases strength.

Perhaps, remembering the plight of our ancestors will inspire us to wait patiently upon the Lord for renewed strength; to mount up as eagles, run and not become weary, walk and not faint.   Perhaps, we will be able to sing with assurance, “we shall overcome”; and declare with authority we are more than conquerors, and no weapon formed against us shall prosper. Then, we could envision victory over present challenges, and passionately pursue the higher call to purpose as we go from faith to faith and glory to glory.

As Christians, we cannot forget this period in American history.  Moreover, it is out of a pure conscious that we definitely must not allow the revitalization of dismal past.  If we do, we demean our character as followers of the disciplines of Christ, and discredit the finished works of Christ on the Cross at Calvary, where He paid the price for our freedom so that we would no longer be slaves to sin, nor to men.

Therefore, we, the Church of Jesus Christ must shoulder the responsibility of advancing the Kingdom of God—move America and the world forward in pursuit of true freedom, life, liberty and the pursuit of peace and happiness by proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ.  For the gospel alone has the power to bring total deliverance.  It alone has power to expose the truth, and eradicate the desire to revive a past that was rooted in evil, governed by fear and sanctioned by hatred, that manifested in suppressing and oppressing others.   Thanks unto God, because the Christ of Exodus still commands, “Let my people go!”

As we continue to celebrate Black History Month, let us remember to always give thanks to God because the Christ of Exodus commanded, “Let my people go!” And the process began in 1863 with the Emancipation Proclamation.  It has been a long process and a tiresome fight for civil rights.  We have come a long way; but we still have a ways to go because the fight now is to free souls—all souls.

Although the times have changed, the command is the same, “Let my people go that may serve me…”

Question is who will commit to carrying out the command and leading people out of spiritual bondage?  Who will answer the call, go boldly into the enemy’s camp; stand in the face of opposition as God’s representative and declare to this generation the real need is spiritual emancipation.  Will you?


©2010 Queen E. F. Phillips.

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