Trusting His Heart

By Michael Brick and John L. Mone   of Associated Press
By Michael Brick and John L. Mone of Associated Press

There is so much devastation and destruction going on in the world today—bombings, explosions, tornadoes, murder, violent acts against each other—all kinds of criminal activity. If you’re honest, like me, you have probably said, “I don’t understand why God allows these terrible things to happen.” 

I’m not writing this in an attempt to defend God; no one can come to His defense, nor does He need anyone to defend Him. Trying to defend God would be absolutely ridiculous!

I am mainly writing to help myself and encourage you to learn to trust God completely when it comes to dealing with life’s challenging difficulties that we cannot understand.

Like Apostle Paul, here’s what I have concluded:

“Oh, how great are God’s riches and wisdom and knowledge! How impossible it is for us to understand his decisions and his ways!” (Romans 11:33 NLT).  

Tornado damaged home in Moore, Oklahoma (WQAD Photo)
Tornado damaged home in Moore, Oklahoma (WQAD Photo)

Truth is, God hasn’t told us everything. He reveals only what He wants us to know on an “as needed basis” and we have to trust Him for the unknown. 

Our finite minds and limitations keep us from fully grasping some things that happen in our personal lives and in the world.  If God told us everything, we’d have no reason to trust His sovereignty and His faithfulness to carry us through our darkest days of grief and sorrow.

I admit, I have a tendency to be totally independent and do things my way rather than God’s way.  To be honest, most of the time, I don’t like God’s way of doing things. That is because I can’t see the “big picture”—the end from the beginning, as He does. From life’s experiences, I’m learning to rely totally on Him as my Source,  my Strength and the Lifter of my head. Above all, His grace is sufficient for me.

The greater the calamities in life the better I can understand to some degree Job’s ordeal.  The end of Job’s story gives me consolation and hope that just as God restored Job’s losses, He is able and willing to do the same for us who believe.

I have learned this:  As painful as the challenging events in life may be, I must trust God’s heart.  Babbie Mason’s song, “Trust His Heart” says it best:

God is too wise to be mistaken

God is too good to be unkind

 So when you don’t understand

When you don’t see his plan

When you can’t trace his hand, trust his heart.”

With God’s comfort and peace this song got me through the toughest experience in my life—the sudden tragic death of my 9-year old grandson.

May I encourage you to join me in trusting God’s Heart?

For Sale- “As Is”

Yellow "For Sale" SignAre you familiar with the term, “as is?”  It’s used to describe items for sale in which the seller offers goods in their present, existing condition to prospective buyers.

 An “as is” sign on a product for sale notifies prospective buyers that they are taking a risk on the quality of the goods if they purchase that particular item.   There is no warranty to cover the sale of the goods; there is no guarantee from the manufacturer or the seller of the product. Thus, what you see is what you get; what you don’t see is what you don’t get.  Of course, the buyer is free to inspect the goods before purchase; but if any hidden defects are discovered after purchase, the buyer has no recourse.

 You may be surprised to know that buyers often take risks when purchasing products and goods. Usually, the goods they purchase have small dollar amounts and the purchase price depends on the buyer’s affordability.  In many cases, the buyer knows the product has no lasting value in terms of usability; but wants it simply for  sentimental value or reasons, and buys it anyway regardless of the sell price.

 Can you imagine with me that, as born-again Christians, we all have spiritual signs that read, “For sale, as is?”  The only difference is our Buyer was fully aware of what He was getting. It didn’t matter that we had hidden defects, imperfections and blemishes. Our appearance was not of importance to Him.  It didn’t matter that we were damaged goods…broken, cracked and marred like clay pottery. He wanted us anyway. Our Buyer knew that the Manufacturer’s product had lasting value, and once restored could be used to give glory to the One who created us. After all, He’d said from the beginning everything He’d created was good.  Therefore, our Buyer paid the highest price for us without concern for risking the quality of the Manufacturer’s Brand.  He knew the Manufacturer’s warranty came with a guarantee that would be sealed by the power of His Holy Spirit.

 I’ve learned that the main reason the Buyer purchased me was for sentimental reasons…He loved me unconditionally. Now because He loved me so much that He paid with His Blood, I am committed to loving Him in return, and serving Him unapologetically. “Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him.”


I am so thankful that Jesus Christ purchased me in my “as is” condition. What about you?

 He still wants to take you “as is.”  He’s in the business of restoring lives, healing and renewing hope.

He will take you in your “as is” condition just because He loves you unconditionally.

Reference Scriptures: Romans 5:8; John 3:16-17; 1 Corinthians 6:20; Job 13:15

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Everyday Love

MP900440960By the time I finish this post Valentine’s Day will be in the past.  I held off as long as I could…my intention was not to write anything simply because everybody does it.  I know that’s probably shallow; nevertheless that was my justification.  Of course, I’m learning how not to lean on my understanding.  I’m getting there, apparently, because I’m writing even at the last hour.

Now that Valentine’s Day will be in the past, how many will carry it over into the future by expressing the love they demonstrated today by giving roses, candy and gift?

All week I’ve been meditating on the love of God…

Apostle Paul asked the question, “Can anything ever separate us from Christ’s love? Does it mean he no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or hungry, or destitute, or in danger, or threatened with death?” And he answers, “No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us.” (Romans 8:35, 37 NLT)

God’s love is always questioned when we’re facing adversity, life’s challenges and traumas.  Somewhere along the way we’ve been deceived into believing that if God loves us we shouldn’t experience the pains of life.  I’m convinced God does not cause pain; it all began in the Garden of Eden.  However, God will use it to our advantage and for His purpose. (See Romans 8:28 NLT).

While we don’t have all the answers as to “why”, we should keep telling ourselves that God loves us in spite of the situations we’re in or the unpleasant circumstances and painful experiences we suffer. I’ve learned that what I say is what I believe!

“If God is for us, who can ever be against us?  SINCE God did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, won’t he also give us everything else?” (Romans 8:31b, 32, NLT)

Although Valentine’s Day, February 14th, is now in the past, I can still look forward to tomorrow because God shows His love for me every day .

Power: How important is it?

How important is power to you?  How are you keeping it in perspective? These are questions that candidates should be asked, especially during an election year for the highest office in the land. Not only should the presidential candidates be asked, but we should ask ourselves. Perspectives on positions of power and authority are critical to the influential outcome of a nation, government entity, organization, home and family environment, as well as the personal leadership role in any sphere of influence.

I’m a witness that power can go to an individual’s head, especially if they’ve never held an official or professional position of power. I say, “official” position because we all have personal power—influence—over others in our circle of friends or acquaintances. Continue reading “Power: How important is it?”

Help the Others

When they heard Paul speak about the resurrection of the dead, some laughed in contempt, but others said, “We want to hear more about this later.” That ended Paul’s discussion with them, but some joined him and became believers. Among them were Dionysius, a member of the council, a woman named Damaris, and others with them.

—Acts 17:32-34


The above Scripture passage really caught my attention and inspired this short word of encouragement and insight.

Everyone may not take what you have to say seriously, and receive it in faith.  You shouldn’t take it personal. You are the messenger carrying the Light of hope to help others. You are the bearer of “good news.” So what if they laugh in contempt at the good news of the Kingdom? Don’t be offended.  There are others who want to hear more about it, and will receive it in faith. Tell them. They will believe. Praise God for the ones who are drawn to the Light the world—Jesus Christ.

Unfortunately, you don’t know who will laugh and who will listen; therefore, you should keep telling the story of hope and redemption. Don’t lose heart and stop being a witness because you fear of rejection. When people don’t receive the message of hope, they are not rejecting you. They are rejecting the Christ—the One able to rescue them from eternal torment.  

Focus on the ones who will join forces to advance the Kingdom of God. They are the others; help the others that want to hear what you have to say about Jesus Christ’s resurrection from the dead, and His unconditional love that will transform their life.

Pray for them. Encourage them. Help them. Also, pray for those who will respond negatively and in contempt and laughter. Pray for their souls; they are also the others…help them by interceding on their behalf. Why? Because all things are possible with God.


The Path of Peace

My faith says if I pray hard enough and believe long enough things will change.

Is it too much to hope for? Am I considered naïve to even think things could possibly be different from what they are now? Is it not my privilege to think…to believe…to pray…to hope…to expect?

Here’s what I think; here is what I believe, and pray and hope and even imagine…

Through the heartfelt mercies of our God, God’s Sunrise will break in upon us, shining on those in the darkness, those sitting in the shadow of death, then showing us the way, one foot at a time, down the path of peace…


That’s it! The path of peace!


The path of peace will lead us to that blissful place of eternal rest. There’ll be no more sorrow, tears, heartache and pain.

 The path of peace will lead us to that majestic ambiance of glory unimaginable.  No natural eye can behold its brilliance and exquisite décor.

 No finite mind can comprehend its power.  No frail body made of dust can stand under its weight of glory.

 Oh! The Path of Peace.

It is a path that anyone can take to find their way to the Father.  He has been waiting since before the foundation of the world to welcome you into the family.


Do you want to know how to get on this path of peace?  Because I sense, you’re tired and weary from the burdens you bear. Your life is spinning out of control. Your mind is tormented by nightmares. The daily challenges you face are daunting; they leave you drained of strength to survive.  You’re restless although you take sleeping pills. Your system has become immune to Prozac. You feel hopeless; you’re exhausted because your days are spent worrying about anything…everything. You don’t have the power to sustain yourself.  You are tired of suffering from sickness and diseases. The substance abuse and sexual promiscuity are no longer gratifying.  You feel used and cheap. Your “pint-sized” self-esteem has evaporated into thin air. There is no satisfaction in anything you do. You are emotionally and mentally stressed by the pressures and cares of a life you’ve concluded is unfair and hopeless.  


The voice in your head is screaming louder and louder, “Kill yourself! It’s your only way out!”


NO! WAIT! Do not listen! It’s lie!  Suicide is NOT the way out! STOP!  Your solution is here!


TODAY, RIGHT NOW You CAN start the journey on the path of peace by accepting Jesus Christ into your heart as Savior and Lord.


Jesus was punished for our sins so that we may have peace (Isaiah 53:5).

Christ gives peace and rest to all who come to him in faith (Matthew 11:28-30).

Peace comes through justification by faith in Jesus (Romans 5:1).

Jesus gives peace (John 14:27).


I’m praying for you….Now

 Heavenly Father,

 Thank You for sending this word for that special individual who has no hope. It is because of Your unfailing love that You’re reaching out to them now. I pray that Your calming Presence embrace them now. Let Your peace overshadow and Your love uphold them.  Open their eyes to see beyond present chaos and calamities of life, and let them envision the beauty and tranquil place of glorious hope.  Father, it’s Your desire that we all have peace that exceeds our understanding.  And thank You, that You made provision by sending Your Son Jesus Christ as the Light to breakthrough like the majestic sunrise. Let the warmth of the Light shine and dispel the darkness that lurks in the soul of that beloved whose weary, battered and bruised. Mend their broken heart. Restore. Renew their mind. Change their life and make them new in Christ.

To start your journey on the path of peace, pray this prayer:

Heavenly Father,

 I believe in my heart that Jesus Christ is Your Son; that He died on the cross and You raised Him from the dead. I confess that I am a sinner in need of salvation. Lord Jesus, come into my heart. I repent; I turn away from a life of sin and turn to You. Forgive me of my sins and make me whole. I receive You as my Savior and Lord.  Thank You, Father, for rescuing me from a destructive lifestyle and eternal damnation. Thank you for eternal life. I receive Your peace with thanksgiving. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.


If you prayed this prayer in sincerity, you are saved! You are now on the path of peace. Make sure you pray daily, and read the Bible. Get connected with a local church where the Bible is taught, and you can fellowship with other believers. This practice will help you grow and become knowledgeable about the teachings of Christ, and the Word of God.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit (Romans 15:13).


Visit Prayer Principles & Podcasts for more teaching resources, prayer coaching tips and sample prayers. 





Again we mourn

Here we are again, a Nation mourning the loss of our fellow Americans.  We have been hit with another tragedy that pierces our heart, redirects our focus and reminds us of what matters most.

My thoughts and prayers are toward Aurora, Colorado, the family and friends of the victims, the survivors, and yes, the family of the suspect apprehended by law enforcement.   I can only imagine in part the grief gripping those who are trying to comprehend this atrocity.

As in the past when tragedy struck,  many are asking why. My question is not so much as to why this happened.  After all the mass shootings we’ve had, my question is when will we as a nation and a people come together before a tragedy shock into reality…stop us in our tracks for a day, bringing political agendas to a halt…when will we as a nation fall on our knees crying out to God to save our lives before innocent lives are snuffed out, or when will we hold prayer vigils in our neighborhoods and churches before a massacre.   It’s obvious sadistic crimes and unimaginable violence have transferred from the big screen, and video games into minds of our children, youth and young adults. It’s reality with real guns and ammunition that kill innocent people—young and old.  It is not the figment of one’s imagination penned in a script to be acted out on a stage. It’s being played out in real life by real people in desperation.

Life is sacred and fragile, and death is a reality.  But that reality can be even more painful when it leaves us wondering what could have been done to prevent such a tragic outcome; or are we doing everything we can to save lives, or are we doing more to destroy lives and promote hopelessness among our own people.

Tragedy is not tailor-made for certain class of people.  Pain is not prejudice.  We are all human—we all bleed red blood; we all hurt regardless of the color of our skin,  religious beliefs, gender, or sexual orientation.  Death does not discriminate. And evil is ever-present lurking to lure any unsuspecting soul into the abyss. Moreover, God is always present to help us get through any tragedy when we open our hearts to receive His comforting strength, believe His Word and obey it. I choose to believe that we are still blessed and that He mourns with us, again.

Jessica Ghawi, aka Jessica Redfield is just one victim that has been identified and her story is one we should take notice of. Her life was spared last month in a mall shooting in Toronto, but today her family mourns her loss.  We mourn with you.  On June 5, 2012, she posted her thoughts on the Eaton Center shooting in Toronto on her blog.  Her story is one that should redirect our focus, and change our perspective on what matters most.  Here’s an excerpt from her blog:

I was shown how fragile life was on Saturday. I saw the terror on bystanders’ faces. I saw the victims of a senseless crime. I saw lives change. I was reminded that we don’t know when or where our time on Earth will end. When or where we will breathe our last breath. For one man, it was in the middle of a busy food court on a Saturday evening.

I say all the time that every moment we have to live our life is a blessing. So often I have found myself taking it for granted. Every hug from a family member. Every laugh we share with friends. Even the times of solitude are all blessings. Every second of every day is a gift. After Saturday evening, I know I truly understand how blessed I am for each second I am given.

I feel like I am overreacting about what I experienced. But I can’t help but be thankful for whatever caused me to make the choices that I made that day. My mind keeps replaying what I saw over in my head. I hope the victims make a full recovery. I wish I could shake this odd feeling from my chest. The feeling that’s reminding me how blessed I am. The same feeling that made me leave the Eaton Center. The feeling that may have potentially saved my life.

“Grandma, I’m okay.”

James Charles Phillips

I am writing from my broken heart that’s leaking a steady stream of tears as I try to awaken from this nightmare.  I didn’t know that our time together on Memorial Day, May 28, 2012 would be the last time I’d see him light up a room; or that it would be our last grandmother and grandson time together.   I didn’t know that 11 days later he would be gone… so soon.   Yet, I am confident that by faith, this too shall pass—the heaviness that weighs on my heart, the queasy that has set up residence in my stomach, and the uncontrollable sobs that give way to emotional outburst when I reflect on the fact that he has transitioned from this earthly life to life everlasting.

Of course, I would say, his life was cut short too soon.   But  I remember that our days are numbered and only God knows the exact length of time here on earth.  So what’s short or long by my measurements cannot be in alignment with God’s timeline.   I am convinced that there are no surprises with God. He knew on March 2, 2003 that James’ last day here on earth would be June 8, 2012.  He knew all the details of the horrific accident that claimed James’ young life. He knew the pain that would pierce our heart due to the sudden tragic loss of James’ life.  He saw the accident…He saw what really happened although witnesses would say differently. God knew everything that would take place that day at that time—there came a day. It was the day that a moment in time darkness engulfed our family and tried to snuff out the light that shines through faith in Jesus Christ. 

However, I choose to trust God; to take Him at His word.  I choose to follow the Light of Hope that one day I will see James again. But until then, I will listen attentively as I have these past three nights, to his little voice speaking to my spirit saying, “Grandma, I’m okay.”

A grieving grandmother, but not one that grieves as if there’s no hope (1 Thessalonians 4:13).

Visit Facebook: Finding Comfort after Loss: James C Phillips Memorial Page

Comforting Presence

7 I can never escape from your Spirit!
I can never get away from your presence!
8 If I go up to heaven, you are there;
if I go down to the grave,[a] you are there.
9 If I ride the wings of the morning,
if I dwell by the farthest oceans,
10 even there your hand will guide me,
and your strength will support me.

The beautiful verses above in Psalm 139 describe God’s inescapable presence as a comfort and guide.  I’m a witness to the comfort God’s presence brings.  I’m convinced once you personally experience His presence in your life, especially in times of sorrow and grief, you will want to spend more time in His presence.  Actually, it becomes habitual.  People have a lot of habits; most of them are not good; most of them are harmful to the physical body, and emotional well being.  So, why not start a habit that is good for the “whole” you— physically, psychologically,  and spiritually.

Where can I go to escape your Spirit? Where can I go to run from your presence?  Truth is at the point in my relationship with Jesus Christ, I don’t want to escape from His Spirit, or run from His presence; I want to run to Him.  I want to run to Him like a child runs to her father with outstretched arms and unspoken words, but her daddy knows what she wants—pick her up.

And it is when I am emotionally frail and need to feel the loving arms of my Father that His presence rescues me, and I am strengthen.

I now have a good habit that I cannot break—running into God’s inescapable presence for comfort, peace and strength.

True Success

There has always been a difference of opinion and meaning when it comes to success.  If asked if you’re successful, what would your answer be, Yes or No?  What would you base answer on?  your financial status, social status, material possession, education, career, or family tree?

If you’re asked what does success mean to you, how would you answer?

Read what Ralph Waldo Emerson  wrote.  Interesting…

True Success…

To appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to give one’s self; to leave the world a little better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; to have played and laughed with enthusiasm, and sung with exultation; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived…this is to have succeeded.


Thankful for you

“I always thank my God for you and for the gracious gifts he has given you, now that you belong to Jesus Christ” (1 Corinthians 1:4 NLT)

It’s expected during this season to express gratefulness for material things— possessions, accomplishments, family and friends. Usually emphasis on the celebration of thanksgiving is based on being more fortunate (having more) than others. During this season we are gratified when we perform our good deeds as humanitarians by feeding the homeless and donating our time serving others that we label as “less fortunate.”   Yet for many, the true meaning of the Thanksgiving holiday is becoming more blurred by the foggy perception that people are less fortunate just because they have fewer material things.  Having things which others can’t afford, or don’t possess is not the only reason for celebrating Thanksgiving, and being grateful.  While we are thankful for all the tangible things that God has provided for us, we cannot forget to express thanks to God for each other—the most fortunate, more fortunate, and less fortunate. Okay, forgive my italicized sarcasm.

Although the “less” fortunate may not have all the things that some equate as reasons to give thanks, many of them have more than any of us think or can image.  What they have is invisible to the natural eye, and can only be experienced through a changed heart and an enlightened mind.  “Owning a lot of things won’t make your life safe” (Luke 12:15b). 

One of Apostle Paul’s distinguishing characteristics is his gratefulness to God for all who accepted Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.  His thanks is recorded in all his letters.  The above passage is the inspiration for this post.  It’s an example for us today. Not only should we be thankful for all Christians, but we must be thankful for all mankind… constantly praying with thanksgiving, that there will no longer be the spiritual less fortunate, but that all will receive the gracious gifts of hope and eternal life that come through faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

Yes; it’s expected during this season to express our thankfulness for things.  Our expression of thanks must be for more than just the possessions we have, but always for each other and the gracious gifts that God has given, which are often overlooked as being valuable reasons to give thanks. 

I thank God for you!

Pink on Purpose – Pt. 2

“I lost everything I had earned in this world—but gained much more through Christ.” – Janelle Hail

Watching and reading  Janelle Hail’s story  reminds us of the faithfulness and sovereignty of Jesus Christ.  Of course, life has a way of knocking the breath out of us.  I haven’t been diagnosed with breast cancer, but I have had the wind knocked out of me a few times by the hard-hitting blows in the ring of life.  But, like so many of my sisters that have been knocked down by breast cancer, they get back up; keep going, refusing to hear the countdown.  We’re in the ring of life and won’t give up without a fight to the finish. I applaud you! I honor you.

I often reflect, how could I have survived without Jesus Christ.  I dare not pretend that I know what it’s like, or how it feels to be diagnosed with breast cancer. But I’m convinced that for those who would give Jesus Christ a chance by placing your faith and hope in Him, you won’t be disappointed.  Like Janelle you may lose everything you earned, but you’ll gain more through Christ, even for an eternity. Her story is the perfect example of how tragedy evolves into triumph for purpose.

What appears to be unbearable is an opportunity to accept the invitation that was extended so long ago and is still standing today: “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).  The best rest is the peace of mind in the midst of a violently raging storm in life…that assurance that you are not alone.

I thank God for Janelle Hail and all my sisters —survivors —fighters in the ring of life.

Be sure to become more aware….visit National Breast Cancer Foundation website.

Pink on Purpose- Pt. 1


For the first time in my writing ministry I’d like to take this opportunity to express my sentiments on a subject that so many women battle with, and that so many have overcome—they are Survivors.

Each year a member of my office management team provides pink ribbons for everyone to boldly make a statement: This is breast cancer awareness month.  As I proudly pinned my ribbon on, I became aware of my ignorance.  Sure, October is the month designated as breast cancer awareness, but just wearing a ribbon again this year wasn’t enough.    When I arrived home from work, I took my ribbon off, finished up  of some household duties, ate my Sunday dinner leftovers, and sat down to my laptop to become more aware about what this month is really about.

I began by visiting the National Breast Cancer website. It’s simple! October is the month designated to become more knowledgeable, or cognizant about breast cancer.  In essence, wearing a “pink” ribbon has a real purpose. It’s an opportunity to “arm yourself with KNOWLEDGE.”

After visiting the website, I met the founder of National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc., Janelle Hail.  I watched her story at I Am Second, and read her blog. Check it out!  It’s absolutely amazing how life’s tragedies are turned into triumphs through faith in Jesus Christ.

Throughout this month, I will be sharing my innermost thoughts and musings about breast cancer awareness month.

Until my next post… I am

Becoming aware…

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Rich Sense

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