Dealing with Transition in 2017


Where God is carrying you in 2017 some in your inner circle cannot go with you.  He will not allow them to go. Therefore, do not try to force them to go with you. Release them in love and follow Jesus! Remember that God’s plan for you is not the same even for those in ministry with you.

God’s plan for each of us is personal although we may be serving in ministry together now. We have a tendency to try and hold on to people we are connected to not realizing it may be only for a season.  You may have worked together in unity and had an effective ministry.  However, once you have completed that particular assignment, God has another assignment for you that requires transitioning to another place and with other people.

**Side Note: the transition may be a spiritual one and not a physical location. For example, God may increase you spiritually through divine revelation, wisdom, and insight for the purpose of completing another assignment, which requires greater responsibility. You should not expect everyone to understand, and you should definitely not become proud arrogant, and condescending.  Always remember it is about Kingdom business and God’s glory.

We tend to welcome a change of scenery and transition when we have been under scrutiny, dealt with envy and jealousy, and had difficulty working with our brothers and sisters in the church’s ministry.  Unfortunately,  many individuals leave for the wrong reason without considering God’s plan.  Consequently, they risk being out of God’s will and doing things their own way.

On the other hand, when we have a healthy working relationship with others in ministry, have seen great progress and effectiveness in ministry, we risk missing God’s next assignment for us because we think we are in the set place for life and that God’s plan and will for us is collective rather than individual.

In addition, when God reveals His plan for us individually, we want to know His plan for those in our inner circle that we’ve worked with for some time. We must be careful with this mindset.  We never want to do the work of ministry based on convenience, ease and without opposition. That is unrealistic and unbiblical in the Kingdom of God. Jesus always faced opposition and was constantly being scrutinized by others. Ministry is never about comfort!

In fact, God’s individual plan for you may require leaving the comforts of ministry and the good working relationships with co-laborers to move forward in fulfilling your next assignment for the Kingdom.  However, it may not be as comforting and glamorous for you as you expected, but as long as the Lord is with you, it will be well. 

Here is a biblical example that always amazes me when I read it. Consider Peter’s revelation from Jesus concerning God’s plan for him (John 21:20-22).  Jesus restores Peter back into fellowship after of him three times just as Jesus predicted (Matthew 26:69-75).  The restoration consisted of Jesus questioning Peter about his love for Him. After the validation of Peter’s love Jesus gave him his “life” assignment with specific instructions, “Feed my sheep.” Furthermore, Jesus revealed the great cost that would come with Peter’s great responsibility—Peter would die as a martyr for the glory of God. Can you imagine after being affirmed and restored for ministry and now to hear God’s final plan that included how you would die after your ministry assignment? After receiving “in part” his revealed destiny, and God’s will for him, naturally, Peter wanted to know God’s plan for John. He asked, “What’s going to happen to him?  How is he going to die?”

In essence, Jesus said to Peter that God’s plan for John is not the same as yours.  Just focus on your relationship with Me.  The place and work assigned to you are for you.  This is your lot in life.   Peter and John had been together from the start of Jesus’ earthly ministry.  Peter, James, and John were Jesus’ inner circle; they had shared their lives together and spent intimate time with Jesus, but that was for a season.  Now there would come a time of separation based on God’s individual plan, purpose, and will.

As I stated, the tendency to want to continue working with individuals we have shared in ministry with for a while is natural.  We make assumptions about God’s plans based on working relationships and experiences together.  However, there may come a time when what you have witnessed and shared in ministry together was God’s plan to prepare you for your next.  Seek to know God’s will for your and not your co-laborer so that wherever He has purposed to carry you, although it may mean separating from the familiar and comfortable, you will submit to His will.

Where God is carrying you in 2017 some in your inner circle cannot go with you.  He will not allow them to go. Therefore, do not try to force them to go with you. Release them in love and you follow Jesus! Without question about His plan for your co-laborer, you say, “Yes, Lord. Here am I send me.”

(Read John 17:20-22 and may the Holy Spirit enlighten you).

© 2016 Queen Phillips. All rights reserved. Majestic Worldwide Ministries, Inc.

Hope for the Holiday Season


This holiday season, for many people, is the most depressing and stressful time of the year. News headlines are filled with tragic events.  An increase of deaths occur during this time of the year.  So many have to deal with trauma, tragedy; families are grief-stricken families by the death of loved ones and the many other perplexities of life. Moreover, many families are struggling financially, which increases their sadness because they lack the resources to purchase gifts, gadgets and basic essential items.   It seems like a paradox to hear about and know of  such hopelessness during a time when this season is meant to bring peace, joy, happiness and hope –celebrating the birth of the Christ. Unfortunately, too many are hopeless!

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