Don’t know why


I heard some heartbreaking news yesterday that is still lingering in my mind today—families are suffering great loss and calamity.  Although I do not know them personally, they are still family because we are all connected as part of God’s family.

It’s during times like this that no matter who you are, how long you have been a Christian, how spiritually deep you think you are, the questions arise, “Why?” “Why did God allow such tragedy to happen, especially the tragic death of children? Truth is, we don’t know why and may never know why. We try to give spiritual answers as believers, but I can tell you from personal experience, it does not ease the pain at the time.  The journey from mourning to joy must be traveled by each of us on a timeline determined by our total dependence on the supernatural power of the God we profess as our Healer.

Nevertheless, until we are healed, delivered and set free, the ambush of thoughts is like stray bullets in our mind.  We are unable to sooth the nauseous feeling of sadness when we stare at beautiful pictures of vibrate, happy, smiling faces of children that we dream of growing into adulthood. We try to rationalize, but cannot.



It hits too hard! It affects Christian believers and of course, nonbelievers, who often use unexplainable events and tragedy as reasons for not believing that a loving God would allow such horrendous things to happen to good people. Yet, no one is able to answer the why questions. Unfortunately, if we seek for a reason too long and do not come up with one, our soul will become exceedingly sad and discontent.  Our inability to rationalize the horrific tragedy along with our emotional instability cause us to sink deeper and deeper into a pit of darkness. It is there in the pit that we are entrapped.  Depression grips our soul with its gnashing teeth and refuses to let go.  Consequently, we conclude we have no hope. It is in this pitfall where many give up and surrender to the spirit of defeatism.  They cannot fight for themselves nor dig themselves out of the deep, dark, cold, pit of hopelessness.

Therefore, the need for intercessors is great!  Intercessors are those will pray and stand in gap (spiritual gateway) and make up the hedge on behalf of those who become defenseless against the kingdom of darkness because the pangs of sorrow have become unbearable.

As believers, let us pray fervently for one another; and resolve that we may never know all the “whys” in this evil world nor understand even if God in His sovereignty chooses to tell us.  But we must trust God to walk with us on our journey from mourning to joy. We must know we are victorious and believe what Jesus said even through our heartbreaking, painful experiences…

 “Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”  (John 16:33).

When you don’t understand the “why”

When you don’t understand the ‘why” trust God anyhow!

cryingwomanseyesFor Christians, what matters most is learning to trust God regardless of whatever we face in this life even when we don’t like or understand it. Like me, you have probably thought I don’t understand what God is doing. Or perhaps, you have asked, “Why God allowed this to happen?” Whether you thought or actually voiced your issue with God, it’s really not significant.

Truth is, it is impossible for our finite minds to comprehend God’s sovereignty.

Holy Scriptures makes it clear: Romans 11:33-34: “Oh, how great are God’s riches and wisdom and knowledge! How impossible it is for us to understand his decisions and his ways! For who can know the Lord’s thoughts? Who knows enough to give him advice?” Also in Isaiah 55:8-9, God spoke through the prophet, saying, “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways… For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

In essence, our limitations keep us from grasping things that happen in our personal life and in the world. Therefore, God does not tell us everything nor does He owe us an explanation. Because He is sovereign, all-knowing and all-powerful, He only reveals what He wants us to know as it relates to His purpose and for His glory. Think of it like this: If He told us or reveals everything to us concerning His plan, we would have no reason to believe, have faith in, rely on and trust Him. He wants us to trust Him! He reveals Himself to us on an as needed basis and by our faith. For example, if we need peace and have faith, He reveals Himself as Jehovah Shalom; if we need healing and have faith, He reveals Himself as Jehovah Rapha.

I have learned this: As painful as challenges and events may be in my life and family life, I must trust God and believe His word. I stand firmly on Romans 8:28.

In the words of Babbie Mason’s song, “Trust His Heart”:

He alone is faithful and true

He alone knows what is best for you

When you don’t understand

When you don’t see His plan

When you can’t trace His hand

Trust His Heart

I have concluded that I may never know or understand the why, but what I am learning to do through life’s challenges is trust Him completely; knowing that if I belong to Him and have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, He will never leave me nor forsake me. I am confident that He will care for and comfort anyone who turns to Him in faith to be their loving Father. It is easy to blame God for the negative and painful things that happen in this life. But it does not change anything—God is still God; He is still good, faithful and true, and if we look closely at the situation, chances are we will find a reason to be thankful.

Recently, I watched Myles Munroe, Jr. make a public statement just three days after his parents’ death in the plane crash; he said with conviction, “Although God may never explain himself, He will reveal himself.”

For Christians, what matters most is learning to trust God regardless of whatever we face in this life even when we don’t like or understand it. However, the tough question is, will we be in a position see Him when He reveals Himself and then gladly receive what He offers to meet us at the point of our need?

Thoughts and Prayers

By Michael Brick and John L. Mone   of Associated Press
By Michael Brick and John L. Mone of Associated Press


Once again, grief and sorrow has invaded the lives of families and friends. This time, 1840 miles apart…from Boston to a small town, some may have never heard of–West, Texas.  Although the scenes were different, the pain is the same–immeasurable. Hearts are broken, people died, injuries are substantial and grief is like a blanket of darkness covering the minds of all affected. 

Some will call these explosions just coincidental . Some will dig deeper for hidden messages and spiritual meaning. Yet,  some will write them off nonchalantly as “life happens”.   Unashamed, I’m persuaded to believe nothing in life just happens!   Whatever you choose to believe, the one thing I believe we can agree on is that pain is not prejudice.  And as long as we live on this earth, pain is inevitable. Whether intentional or accidental, the one thing that these explosions, miles apart and different scenarios, has done is bring hope out of tragedy and turned our hearts and mind to prayer and solace in believing others are thinking about the injured and the many who face the pain of separation and grief.

When everything around us seems to explode, once again we are given the opportunity to embrace each other in love, offer words of comfort and pray believing that God hears and Jesus mourns with us, even though “evil” maybe rejoicing.   But in the fullness of His time, there will be no more pain, tears and sorrows.  This life, as we know it, will no longer be and those who believe and receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord will be with Him in eternity. This is our hope in times of adversity and tragedy.





Spiritual Olympians

The world is watching the 2012 World Olympics! What an opportune time to motivate and inspire millions to become spiritual Olympians and athletes in the “game” many call life.  The Olympics is a great analogy. Apostle Paul uses the analogy of physical training in his letter to Timothy, urging him to train himself for godliness the same way disciplined athletes train for competition. 

Keywords: Train and discipline. 

Can you imagine the sacrifice that all the athletes made just to be part of the Olympics? Let’s consider one


in particular— Gabrielle Christina Victoria Douglas, aka, Gabby.  Her story is one of sacrifice and discipline not only for her, but for her family as well.  I was moved to tears watching the video about the sacrifice Gabby made to move away from her mom and loving family into the home of a host family some 3,000 miles away to train in pursuit of a life-changing dream. That dream is now reality, no doubt, beyond her expectation. What an awesome achievement as the world witnesses—16 year-old; U.S.A. all around gold medalist in the 2012 Olympics. All of their investments, hard work, discipline and sacrifices paid off.

I pondered the question: Why would someone make such sacrifices and devote so much of their time and energy into training? And then the answer was clear: Because of passion and purpose. It is a passion for something that compels…an innate gift and an undeniable ability that produce perseverance. The heart’s desire to achieve your dream is stronger than the physical pain you will bear, or the emotional pain you will suffer living with regrets if you fail to pursue the dream. And like, Gabby, sometimes the emotional pain can seem more unbearable than the physical pain.  But when purpose is calling someone— a mom, a host family,  a coach— tap into your potential and see the possibilities of a life-changing experience; therefore, they won’t let you quit, but will help you to fight for your dream. Why is that important? Because when the dream becomes reality, others are inspired…you are a witness; you are a model.  I’d even go so far as to say it is a ‘calling’, part of a Divine plan to reveal a greater purpose. In Gabby’s instance, a message of faith, hope, love and unity.  

Herein is the inspiration and motivation for us Christians.  We must answer the question: What is it that I am so passionate about; that I want so badly in my Christian walk of faith that I am willing to make sacrifices, and discipline myself by training untiringly to achieve it?  “Delight yourself also in the LORD, and He shall give you the desires of your heart” (Psalm 37:4).

I know it’s easy to become fainthearted, weary and discouraged when it seems life has dealt you a “bad” hand (Galatians 6:9; 2 Thessalonians 3:13). More often, it’s not a bad hand, but rather, our holding on to the hand of people, memory of places, and danger of  things that keep us from achieving the best that God has planned for us, and wants to give us. It may mean you have to separate yourself from those you love dearly.  

As Christians our lives are on display; we are the billboards along life’s highway. We are called to be witnesses to the world for Jesus Christ (Acts 1:8). Of course, it’s uncomfortable. Yes, there will always be ridicule, naysayers, opposition, and negative opinions.  Nevertheless, we must stand firm and not be persuaded to give up when the going gets tough, especially when people focus more on the minor rather than appreciate you for the accomplishments that make all of us proud. 

In America, athletes are often considered models; being in the public eye has its challenges especially when one is not ashamed to be a witness for Christ. We all need models— an example of how we should live; and how we should pursue our dreams in a godly manner, and then give glory to God when He blesses us to achieve those desires, which He placed in our hearts. 

In 1 Timothy Paul urges his loyal friend to become that model by accepting the discipline and hard work required to be a model— a spiritual Olympians—committed to pursuing a real relationship with Jesus Christ worth more than gold.  Paul admonished Timothy, “Train yourself to be godly. For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come”  (1 Timothy 4:7-8). In essence, it takes hard work and discipline to live a godly lifestyle.  However, what’s more important is that we have the Holy Spirit to help us.  If we let Him, he will lead and guide us. He will teach us how to compete in the race of life and seal our victory as spiritual Olympians—winners of the crown of life in glory.

The world is watching the 2012 World Olympics! What an opportune time to motivate and inspire someone to become spiritual Olympians and athletes in the race of life by being a disciplined Christian.

Grace to handle “it”

My very dear and close friend sent me this word today!  It was two weeks ago (Friday afternoon, June 8, 2012) that I received that phone call about the passing of my only grandson, James, in a single car accident.  It changed not only my agenda for that day, but I believe it also changed my agenda for life.  Like an oversized arrow,  it pierced my heart and left a hole so big that only the Master can mend with GRACE.   This word is so “on-time” for today.  I just had to share it with my faithful readers.  Just as I am being strengthened and comforted by God’s Holy presence, I believe there’s someone else who needs to experience God’s grace too.  We may never understand or even like what God allows to happen that so deeply grieves our heart, but I choose to believe there’s a purpose and plan beyond our comprehension.  And, at the end of the day, I am compelled to say, “Lord, I trust you.”



The grace to handle it

          Nancy and Ed Hulzinga were at church rehearsing for the Christmas program when their home burned down. It wasn’t their first tragedy that year. Three months earlier when a friend, a widow with two teenagers, died of cancer, the Hulzingas took her kids into their family. So when the house was destroyed it wasn’t just their home they lost, it was the home of two kids who’d already lost their parents. The following week, as they sifted through the ashes, they found a slip of paper that survived the fire. On it they read these words: “Contentment: Realizing God has already provided everything we need for our present happiness.” God gives you “more grace” when you walk through the fiery trials.

One Bible teacher says: “Our perspective changes when we catch a glimpse of the purpose of Christ. Take that away, and it’s nothing more than a bitter, terrible experience. Suffering comes in many forms, but His grace is always there to carry us beyond it. I’ve endured a sufficient number of trials to say without hesitation that only Christ’s perspective can replace resentment with rejoicing. Jesus is the central piece of suffering’s puzzle. If we fit Him into place, the rest begins to make sense.” Donna VanLiere writes: “When life blindsides us…and the diagnosis, abuse, foreclosure, broken marriage, death, or financial collapse brings us to our knees…grace says there’s more love after infidelity, more joy after the diagnosis, and more life after financial ruin…grace is real…an indomitable gift with power to change your life. But it comes with one condition – like any gift, you have to reach out and take it.”

 Bob Gass

The Word for you today.


Thank you, Bob Gass for this timely word!!!

“Grandma, I’m okay.”

James Charles Phillips

I am writing from my broken heart that’s leaking a steady stream of tears as I try to awaken from this nightmare.  I didn’t know that our time together on Memorial Day, May 28, 2012 would be the last time I’d see him light up a room; or that it would be our last grandmother and grandson time together.   I didn’t know that 11 days later he would be gone… so soon.   Yet, I am confident that by faith, this too shall pass—the heaviness that weighs on my heart, the queasy that has set up residence in my stomach, and the uncontrollable sobs that give way to emotional outburst when I reflect on the fact that he has transitioned from this earthly life to life everlasting.

Of course, I would say, his life was cut short too soon.   But  I remember that our days are numbered and only God knows the exact length of time here on earth.  So what’s short or long by my measurements cannot be in alignment with God’s timeline.   I am convinced that there are no surprises with God. He knew on March 2, 2003 that James’ last day here on earth would be June 8, 2012.  He knew all the details of the horrific accident that claimed James’ young life. He knew the pain that would pierce our heart due to the sudden tragic loss of James’ life.  He saw the accident…He saw what really happened although witnesses would say differently. God knew everything that would take place that day at that time—there came a day. It was the day that a moment in time darkness engulfed our family and tried to snuff out the light that shines through faith in Jesus Christ. 

However, I choose to trust God; to take Him at His word.  I choose to follow the Light of Hope that one day I will see James again. But until then, I will listen attentively as I have these past three nights, to his little voice speaking to my spirit saying, “Grandma, I’m okay.”

A grieving grandmother, but not one that grieves as if there’s no hope (1 Thessalonians 4:13).

Visit Facebook: Finding Comfort after Loss: James C Phillips Memorial Page

Thankful for the Memories

In Memory (1932-2003)

Today is Wednesday, and that day is almost here—Sunday, May 13, 2012, MOTHER’S DAY! It is still a bittersweet holiday for me.

It has been 9 years since my dear mother transitioned from this earthly life. I can’t believe it’s been that long. Yet, there’s not a day that my loving memories of her vanish as the years are quickly passing. For that I’m thankful.

Her sense of humor, confidence in me, and the joy that filled her heart are my inspiration as I pursue purposeful living without her.  Although her prognosis was overshadowed by the inevitable, she chose to live by faith every day.  She believed that her attitude about life and her hope in Jesus Christ made the difference in her timeline.  She chose not to give up, but to fight the good fight of faith even as the cancerous cells fought ferociously against her.  However, they did not overpower her will to live; she did not retreat in fear. Although her body was weakened, her mind was stronger because she fed her spirit daily in the Word of God and prayer.  Therefore, her short-numbered days were extended to years.

As I embark upon this next journey in life, I’m comforted in knowing she’s cheering me on now just as she did for as long as I can remember.  The pain of separation was greater than I could have ever imagined, but on December 26, 2003 I experienced the comforting presence of God.  I learned that His grace is sufficient in weakness, and that He gives strength to the faint-hearted.  I am convinced that the Lord Jesus Christ will carry you through the tough times until you’re strong enough to stand and walk again.

To everyone who has suffered the loss of a mother I pray you are comforted by the good memories and times you shared.  May the God of all comfort console you as He did me (2 Corinthians 1:3-4).

And when all you have left are memories, you learn to be thankful for the memories that bring laughter as well as sadness.


The year it really hit me that every minute you have the opportunity to spend time with someone that means the world to you, you’d better seize the opportunity.  It was  December 17, 2003 that the last chapter of life spent with my mother, Mr. Deva Mae Franks Horn, ended.  My mom’s will to live could no longer stand up to the overpowering cancerous cells that finally invaded her organs, took control and left her physical body too weak to fight. Immediately I knew this would be the last opportunity to spend time with her before she transitioned to that place of eternal rest. She fought the good fight of faith. She’d outlived her prognosis, and she touched the lives of many who admired her dearly.

This time of the year is always bittersweet. I still miss her.  Yet, I’m grateful for the miraculous comfort and peace of my heavenly Father, which enabled me to go through the grieving process. Knowing the reason for this season, and the hope it brings gives me consolation when I remember her faith, hope and love.

Therefore, I do not grieve like others who have no hope (1 Thessalonians 4:13-14). As she believed so do I. I believe that Jesus, the Son of God was born of the virgin Mary, died on the Cross and was raised to life on the third day, and we believe that when Jesus returns, God will bring back with him the believers who have died.  Although the pain of separation is still difficult, the hope of our reunion gives me a reason to rejoice in this season.

December 26, 2003, she transitioned from this earthly realm to her heavenly home in Glory to be with her Lord.

Family Pains

Being hurt by family—parents and siblings— can be the most painful of all life’s experiences. Personally, I cannot know the pain caused by sibling rivalry to the point of attempted murder, or even in Joseph’s situation—being betrayed (sold into slavery as a substitute for killing him).

I’m always amazed by Joseph’s story because it reminds me of how God allows the painful experiences in life to propel us into divine destiny.  Joseph’s story shows how struggles and disappointments can turn out for good.  They resulted in good for Joseph’s family, who was able to escape a terrible famine in spite of the evil they did toward him. In addition, his terrible experiences with his family resulted in good for Joseph, who gained a whole new perspective on life.  Looking back, he could see God at work even in all the trials he had experienced.

Moreover, Joseph’s story gives us an example of our Lord.  It’s saturated with the “forgiveness” principle.  How so?  Joseph represents a type of Christ by forgiving his brothers for the evil they plotted against him.  Had Joseph spent his years mourning and being bitter about how he’d been mistreated by his brothers, he would have destroyed his own life, not to mention, interfered with God’s plan and purpose for his entire family.

Think about this!  You could be the one God chose to use in your family. You could be the one God uses to be a blessing to your siblings even though they have hurt you, caused you the most pain, struggles and disappointment, seemingly for no reason, other than jealousy.  Let me encourage you…don’t be bitter.  Release them, let go of the anger that causes you physical, emotional and mental anguish.  Forgive them. Remain faithful and obedient to God.  In the end everyone will win.  Read what Joseph said to his brothers after they fled to Egypt  from the famine…Joseph said to his brothers… “Do not be distressed and do not be angry with yourselves for selling me here, because it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you.” (Genesis 45:4-5)

You see, not only did Joseph forgive them, but he knew they carried the guilt and shame for their evil actions against him.  You must also know that when God’s plans and purposes prevail those who wronged you will need your forgiveness so that they can move forward.

Look back, how has God been at work during the difficult times in your life caused by family pains, struggles, and disappointments?

(If this article has ministered to you, let me hear from you). I respect your privacy.

Hopeful Grief: A Mother’s Day Tribute

13 And now, dear brothers and sisters, we want you to know what will happen to the believers who have died[a] so you will not grieve like people who have no hope. 14 For since we believe that Jesus died and was raised to life again, we also believe that when Jesus returns, God will bring back with him the believers who have died. I Thessalonians 4:13-14 NLT

I’ve learned that at some point in life, scriptures like the one above requires an experience to really grasp its truth, and see the manifestation of God’s word come alive in our life. Here’s a brief explanation of my personal experience.

When I arrived in my mother’s hospital room on December 18, 2003, I knew time was of the essence. I made the most of it by staying at her beside, and preparing her to transition from this earthly life to her home in glory. I focused on releasing her and assuring her that I would be all right because I was in hands of my REAL FATHER. I knew that was her major concern, being her only child. I could feel her sorrow, look into her eyes, and see the pain wrought from the thought of leaving me behind and naturally alone; yet knowing I would never be alone, nor forsaken by Abba Father.

On December 26, 2003, she quietly and peacefully went to sleep. Her transition from this life to her new life in paradise changed my life forever. This is the greatest pain I have ever experienced. Yes, greater than childbirth. BUT, God’s GRACE proved sufficient for me. He gave me supernatural strength to handle all the details for the Homegoing celebration—there was no one else (no sisters or brothers) to do it—my Daddy came through just for me.<

When death’s painful arrows pierce your soul, especially at the loss of a dear mother, I encourage you to seek relief in the promise and presence of God. My choice of relief was to apply the Word of God. I vividly recalled how the Word of the Lord came to me a few days before I left for Louisiana. I heard very clearly in my spirit while I was sleep, “My grace is sufficient for you.” It was my Father’s assurance that He would carry me through the experience I was about to face. I had to learn how to grieve with hope! It was now time for me to really believe the Word of God, and stand firmly trusting Him to carry me through.

In retrospect, I learned from the life of faith, hope and love my mother had lived before me. I remembered that for ten years she had lived with hopeful grief. This same hope brought her through two major surgeries and months of chemotherapy. This same hope empowered her to live life to the fullest in spite of her prognosis. Witnessing my mother’s faith and hope in Jesus Christ until the end assured me of her eternal life, and increased my trust in a Sovereign God. For the first time, I literally experienced the sufficiency of God’s grace in my weakness.

Experiencing the pain caused by my mother’s passing seemed unbearable, but it is the hope of eternal life that made the difference (I Thess. 4:13-15). When facing death, hope can be the bridge that makes crossing over to the other side a more peaceful process. Whether three years, or five years, or 10, 20, or 30, who is to say? Only by the grace of God, does the grieving process end. Surely, the more you hold steadfast to His Word, the greater your assurance will be in His faithfulness to keep His promises. Sure, for me, I still feel the pain of separation at Mother’s Day; seeing those whose mothers are still alive. Nevertheless, I have learned pain management through WORD medication, and sharing love with others—the mothers of my local church, and sharing my experience to encourage others through the grieving process.

I just want to remind you: God will comfort and strengthen his people in times of sorrow.

His Word is truth… His grace is sufficient! He is the God of all comfort! He is the Prince of Peace! He will NEVER leave you nor forsake you! You are the apple of His eye!


His daughter,

In memory of Mrs. Deva Mae Franks Horn (July 12, 1932 ~ December 26, 2003)

God’s Timing is Perfect!

I recall the saying, “He may not come when you want Him, but He’s always on time.”

Although this truth is revealed throughout the Bible, the avalanche of emotional occurrences in our lives cause us to sometimes question the timeliness of God’s intervention in our affairs when we ask Him.

However, even facing the tumult of challenges, difficulties and trials, which often comes upon the Christian, I’m learning that women really do hold a special place in the heart of God.  He understands everything about us—our personality, how we think, our needs, our concerns, our dreams, our hurts and disappointments—He especially understands our faults and weaknesses.  Yet, He is always compassionate toward us.  His tenderness of heart is manifested in the lives of women who often struggle with emotional instability when dealing with the challenges of life.

When I consider the passage of Scripture recorded in Luke 7:11-16, this level of compassion is demonstrated to highest dimension—resurrection of a dead son. Wow!

Let’s consider how the death of this son affected the economical and emotional well being of this mother. Luke makes it clear that ‘he was the only son of his mother (v.12). In accordance with the manners and customs of that day, it was the desire of both the mother and father to have a boy rather than a girl.  Boys were desired to increase the size, wealth and importance of the family clan.  Since this was an only son, the possibility of the family increasing was hopeless.  Any hope or dreams for an inheritance died with this son. Consequently, the economical situation of this woman changed.

Luke also states that this woman was a widow.  The father was the supreme authority in the household. When there was a son in the household, the authority which the father had was handed down to his eldest, who took over the position of leadership upon the death of the father.  Consequently, this family structure changed with the death of the father. Now, the one that had assumed responsibility and leadership for the household was now dead, and he was the only son.  Consequently, the weight of her inner turmoil, burdens, grief and pain were manifested on her countenance.  In modern day, this situation would merit the questions such as, what am I going to do now? How am I going make it?   Reading and believing what Jesus did for her encourages us today—Jesus will fix it for you!

How encouraging is this passage of Scripture to those of us who face death everyday, whether the physical death of children, parents, loved ones, friends, or dead dreams, and visions, or hopeless situations.  We must remember that the Lord Jesus sees our broken hearts and the same compassion that He had on this mother He has on us.  His compassions never fail (Lam. 3:21-22) because He is faithful!

In the case of death, the dead may not be raised physically, but if they belong to Him they will be raised in the last day.  Even in our grief, sorrow and brokenness, His touch will revive our spirit so that we continue in His strength in spite of emotional upheaval in our lives. His touch still resurrects dead dreams and makes them reality.

As we embrace the greater challenges in these last days, what is being carried out of your life because it’s dead? What are you about to bury? Don’t give up; don’t bury it yet because God’s timing is inconceivable.  Think about it! It was no coincidence that Jesus showed up in the village of Nain just at the time this dead son was being carried out. What perfect timing!

It may seem as though you can’t take anymore disappointments, or hurts. He knows your emotional state concerning that son or daughter that seems hopelessly lost. He is concerned about your financial situation. He is aware of your needs, and He is available to comfort you like no one else can.  You sense His tenderness when you get into His presence; you feel the softness of His touch like a warmth that surrounds you but you can’t explain. When He speaks unsurpassing peace saturates your mind to point of no understanding.  Today, He is waiting to say arise to whatever is dead in your life.  And when He speaks to that dead thing in your life, it has to resurrect because He is the resurrection and the life (John 11:25).  It will be in perfect timing so that God will be glorified, and His name will be exalted in the earth.

As you face your challenging experiences, you too will learn that He may not come when you think He should, but for certain, He will be right on time because His timing is perfect!

©2017 Queen E. Phillips. All rights reserved. Use for non-profit only. Credit must be given to the copyright owner.

The Search Factor

“And this will be a sign for you [by which you will recognize Him]: you will find [after searching] a Baby wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger.

“..the shepherds said one to another, Let us go…and see this thing (saying) that has come to pass… So they went with haste and [by searching] found Mary and Joseph, and the Baby lying in a manger”        —Luke 2:12-15, Amplified)

The countdown of shopping days before December 25 officially began the day after Thanksgiving.  Even before Thanksgiving retailers stocked up on hundreds of items and gift ideas, from the smallest to the largest, to send customers into a whirlwind of spending.  As the countdown nears, the hustle and bustle increases; shoppers become rude, frustrated, and frantic in their search to find just the right gift.  This is expected to be one of the most profitable times of the year for retailers! 

However, for many people (believers and nonbelievers) it becomes one of the most stressful times of the year.  The greatest stressor of this season is financial. Either a lack of money, or a lack of discipline in spending overwhelms many. Some become depressed, discouraged and even express disdain for what should be a joyous time of celebrating the birth of Jesus the Christ. 

The fact that people are diligently searching during this Christmas season can be paralleled to the story recorded in Luke 2:1-20.

 “And this will be a sign for you [by which you will recognize Him]: you will find [after searching] a Baby wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger.

“..the shepherds said one to another, Let us go…and see this thing (saying) that has come to pass… So they went with haste and [by searching] found Mary and Joseph, and the Baby lying in a manger” (Luke 2:12-15, Amplified).

A “search factor,” which all human beings possess, from newborn to adulthood, is operating at maximum level in children and adults during this time of the year. While children are searching for toys, games and gadgets to fulfill their self-seeking desires, adults are searching for the toys, games and gadgets to satisfy their children’s desires. Of course, in addition to the other gifts they feel obligated to purchase for others on the gift-giving list. 


The search to find fulfillment and satisfaction oftentimes determines one’s perspective on the quality of life.  Unfortunately, during this season the search for fulfillment and satisfaction in things peak, and proves to be devastating for many.  Consequently, if the things aren’t received or obtained, the search intensifies long after the holiday season, and sometimes become a life-long search.  You probably know someone still traumatized because they didn’t get what they wanted for Christmas as a child.  (I pray it is not you). In addition to already suppressed feelings, emotional instability, lack of discipline, self-control, and the ability to make sound decisions, the search becomes even more frustrating.  Although searching can be beneficial, it is what many are searching for that has commercialized Christmas, and downplayed the reason for the season. 

In essence, this time of searching should be for the Christ of Christmas— The One who is Savior of the world, the Gift of God to everyone. However, man must diligently search for Christ until he finds Him. And if anyone searches for Him, He shall be found. 

Instead, many are searching for “things.”   Things may be costly in dollar value, but they can add no real lasting value to our personal life.  Many people are searching for the perfect gift that will express the depth of their love; however, no material object can substitute for the love of God.  No thing can soothe the pain from a broken heart.  Material items cannot comfort the grief-stricken who lost a loved one, and will be facing the holiday season for the first time without that special person.  No tangible gift can speak peace to a troubled mind battling with the storms and challenges that life can bring.  Only receiving the Gift of God can end the search to find fulfillment and satisfaction in things and people.

So, does this mean we should not give gifts?  God forbid!  Give gifts! Give nice gifts within your budget—small or large— as symbolic expressions of love and reverence of Christ.  However, keep in mind, things should not be the priority and focus of our “search”.   Things can never be a substitute for the gift of God through Christ the Messiah.  Only the good news about Jesus the Christ can bring salvation, hope, joy, peace, and good will to all men as planned by God when He sent the shepherds on a search for the Christ over 2000 years ago.

The innate need to search is within us; placed there by Him to search for Him.  Therefore, only when the Christ is found will the search end. Moreover, He is still waiting to be found by those who will seek after Him.  Searching for the CHRIST of CHRISTmas and finding Him is sure to bring the joy, peace, hope and love that this world needs. 

Finally, when Christ is found, like the shepherds, it will result in genuine praise and worship to God for this extraordinary experience.  It is after this kind of experience that you can then give the perfect gift—present Christ to someone else.

I pray that your search for the perfect gift is found in the Perfect One—CHRIST the Lord! 

 Copyright 2005 Queen E. F. Phillips. All rights reserved. NOT-FOR-PROFIT use only requires prior written permission from the author.  Credit must be given to copyright owner. Reprinted
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