Everyone Will Take a Knee!

Ironically, a few days before the Las Vegas massacre the media buzz was NFL taking a knee. After the tragedy, the trend on social media was pray, which equates to taking a knee…


Las Vegas thoughts_prayerHere we are, the United States of America, mourning again because evil has raised its ugly head and used someone vulnerable to carry out an attack that massacred 58 lives and injured over 500 people. 


Once again, lawmakers are bracing for politics on gun control! We’ve been here before, many times. When does it end?


“And once again, a stunned nation was left to grapple with a city riven by tragedy and a resurgent debate over gun control and gun violence. The White House and many Republicans insisted it was a time to mourn rather than launch into political battles, while some Democrats renewed calls for gun safety legislation.” -The Washington Post

The question why? Law Enforcement will investigate the shooter’s background and dig up his past, including his family history. They will interview family members who had no clue their relative was capable of such violence. That’s the norm after the fact of the act of violence against fellow human beings. What could have been done to prevent such a tragedy? Sad to say, probably nothing.

Only a few days before, the media coverage was about NFL taking a knee.  However, immediately after the Las Vegas tragedy social media timelines and tweets were trending with spiritual sentiments and requests that suggested our Nation assume the posture that symbolizes a religious ritual—take a knee (pray). How ironic!  Different messages, but same motivation—a nation that desparately needs a cure for its social ills.

kneenflWhy is it that, as a Nation, we only come together in solidarity to express our care and concern when faced with tragedy, whether natural disasters as with Hurricanes or mass murders caused by gun violence?  Pain is not prejudice. We all are emotional beings regardless of the color of our skin.

There is an innate part of humanity that connects emotionally when there is tragedy and inhumane acts of violence.  We all have feelings. Unfortunately, when those feelings are uncontrolled along with deranged thoughts people behave in the worst ways.  When hearts and minds are darkened by evil, demonic forces seek to destroy lives and maim humanity by using those vulnerable mentally and emotionally. Although time is spent looking for an answer as to why, it just may be there is no logical answer only a spiritual one, which many will dismiss as nonsense.


The Word of God speaks truth to power and offer a solution to our dilemma:


22 “Look to Me, and be saved,
All you ends of the earth!
For I am God, and there is no other. (Isaiah 43:22)


What God Almighty, Creator of the heavens, the One who formed the earth and established it has decreed in righteousness shall be fulfilled.  Unfortunately, one of the most effective ways that a generation can see God’s word manifested is by experiencing troubles, tragedies, and judgment.  Unrest, threats of wars, natural disaster, destruction, and desperation have a way of redirecting our wayward thoughts so that we cry out to the Creator for help, although we have consistently rejected Him.  AND the Good News is He will help us although we have not known Him.


23 I have sworn by Myself;
The word has gone out of My mouth in righteousness,
And shall not return,
That to Me every knee shall bow,
Every tongue shall take an oath.
24 He shall say,
‘Surely in the Lord I have righteousness and strength (Isaiah 43:23-24).


Whether we deliberately twist the message about taking a knee or debate our beliefs that it is disrespectful of the flag and our country is irrelevant at this point. What is relevant is the Word that Almighty God has decreed – To Him every knee shall bow (Romans 14:11). The ultimate disrespect is a nation that is blatant about its irreverence to the Creator of the Universe, our Maker.


God’s Word will make us all take a knee regardless of differences, backgrounds, beliefs, prejudices and preferences, religious rhetoric and ritualism, intellectualized opinions, or opportunists with political agendas.


As we, the “great” United States of America mourn once again because evil raised its deceptive head, I pray that we let the innate likeness of our Creator within humanity bring the healing we desperately need.  I pray that we look to God for the salvation and hope that can only come through faith in Jesus Christ.

May we take a knee and pray, “God Bless America.”


May we really live out this slogan, “In God we trust!”






















©2017 Queen E. Phillips, Majestic Ministries, Inc.


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