What are you eating?

Hannah Whitall Smith, a speaker and author (February 7, 1832 – May 1, 1911) said,

“The things we think on are the things that feed our souls.  If we think on pure and lovely things, we shall grow pure and lovely like them.”

How appropriate for the times in which we’re living.  It’s so easy to get distracted by what we hear and see, and before you know it you’re eating it for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  The more we chew on the ugliness we see, and profane things we hear, the more likely we are to become spiritually infirmed and dis-eased.   Do you realize some distractions are strategically placed and planned by the enemy to lure you off the right path of a healthy and peaceful life journey with Christ?  And if you’re not sober and alert, before you realize what has happened, you will be on the pathway that leads to self destruction.  The best way to avoid distractions is to feed your soul spiritual food.  Start your day with a healthy breakfast to break your will so you don’t do things your way that day.  For lunch enjoy a delightful mixture of Word, praise and worship to keep your spirit energized, and to hold your carnal mind in check. And then for dinner, enjoy a healthy and hearty full course meal with all the trimmings—meat and bread of the Word, prayer of thanksgiving, fruitful praise, truthful and spirited worship as your delicious dessert.

Remember, it’s easy to think on the naughty, negative, and not so nice things that cause fear and frustration. But make the decision to think on things that are pure and lovely.  For example, the unconditional love and innocense of a child, the kind words of a stranger, the forgiveness of a friend you wronged, most of all, the breath of life and hope of eternity. Take the time to think on the small things that we often take for granted while trying to grab hold of the grand things in life.  Dine on the healthy snacks rather than the junk food, and watch how you begin to cherish healthy living by exercising your faith. Watch how you will grow and become spiritually healthy and mature. Before you know you will be in the habit of thinking on those things that provide nourishment to your soul, and see how strong you will be in the Lord. You will become more like Christ—pure and lovely—when your eating habits become healthier, and you exercise your faith in Christ daily.

Author: Queen E. Phillips

Passionate about inspiring the soul and enlightening the mind with the power of the written word.

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